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WIN10 (ARM) reboot after BIOS setup #125

Closed joke1014 closed 4 years ago

joke1014 commented 5 years ago

WIN10 (ARM) version has been saved to SD card

The raspberry pie is energized after inserting keyboard, mouse and screen

Press ESC to enter BIOS and set it as pictures

The problem in the last photo occurs when the keyboard is removed and the mouse is restarted.

How can I solve this problem? 31101 31102 31103 31104 31105 31106 31111

BelleNottelling commented 5 years ago

You need to change your boot order

joke1014 commented 5 years ago

You need to change your boot order

Can you tell me exactly how to do it? Because both BOOT EL1 and EL2 have tried it.

lunaneff commented 4 years ago

I don't have this on my SD yet, but I'm guessing it's Boot Manager in the main menu

andreiw commented 4 years ago

Boot manager -> boot order -> make the usb key with woa first

On upstreamed edk2-platforms this issue no longer exists

mullcom commented 4 years ago

How do I get this bios on raspberry?