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[Feature Request] add support to MultiBoot With GRUB2 #127

Closed Nyako01 closed 4 years ago

Nyako01 commented 5 years ago

I have a project to create a multi OS on raspberry PI with GRUB2 as a tool to choose boot OS. but unfortunately UEFI does not support GRUB2.

I tried it on a flashdisk which was formatted as fat32 and installed GRUB2 version 2.02 UEFI 64bit efi

The OS that I made multi boot is Windows 10 Arm64 and UBUNTU or other debian

if my request cannot be applied. I will try to make a multiboot with the Windows Boot Manager

driver1998 commented 5 years ago

this doesn't need special support in UEFI, you can let grub2 to chainload bootmgrfw.efi, or add both grub2 and bootmgr to the UEFI boot menu.

Nyako01 commented 5 years ago

so. I have to add GRUB2 to the Windows Boot Manager?

I want UEFI to boot into GRUB2 and then in GRUB2 we choose to boot the OS

andreiw commented 4 years ago

Should work out of the box (eg Susr uses Grub2)