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Ability to load extra SSDTs from file, to support HATs #133

Closed Googulator closed 4 years ago

Googulator commented 4 years ago

In the Linux world, HATs are supported using device tree overlays loaded either manually through config.txt, or automatically from an onboard EEPROM. The analogous functionality to device tree overlays in ACPI is SSDTs. It would be great if UEFI provided a way of loading a custom SSDT from file, or even from the HAT EEPROM.

andreiw commented 4 years ago

Sure, but, what's ACPI Linux on the Pi 3? It's possible, but no one is doing it (that I am aware of). And the value proposition of that is pretty low (esp. because of HAT EEPROM, and because Pi 3 is so non-standard... Pi 4 would be better suited to ACPI).

Assuming you booted in ACPI mode, you'd be better off converting the HAT EEPROM DTB overlay on the fly to a SSDT with _DSD

I'll keep this open for others to see and comment on (though the upstream edk2 mailing list is likely a better place for a call-for-action)

Googulator commented 4 years ago

I was primarily thinking of Windows here, not Linux. Linux can continue to support HATs using the existing DTB overlay mechanism, but Windows has no chance of ever supporting DTB, so an ACPI analog is needed.

driver1998 commented 4 years ago

For Windows, you can take a look at how Microsoft do that in IoT Core. This is the sample driver for a SPI LCD display:

andreiw commented 4 years ago

Oh ok, that makes sense. It should be pretty trivial to find and load SSDTs from storage.


2 июля 2019 г., в 5:27, driver1998 написал(а):

For Windows, you can take a look at how Microsoft do that in IoT Core. This is the sample driver for a SPI LCD display:

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andreiw commented 4 years ago

This repo is deprecated and I don't check these conversations.