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Outdated UEFI with WoR Project #144

Closed one-and-only closed 4 years ago

one-and-only commented 4 years ago

Grettings - I have been having a small issue with the UEFI files. I have downloaded the latest prebuilt firmware which is the Jan16-2019 version. According to latest, it should be the Feb18-2019 version. That file is non-existent. I am having issues because the software thinks that there is a later version available when there isn't. It then fails to download. Adding the new prebuilt file or changing latest would be fantastic. Thanks.

andreiw commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I don't run WoR project. Also, you shouldn't be looking at this historical outdated repo - go to You'll be right to notice there are no prebuilts. I don't make any anymore as effort has shifted to