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BSoD in boot WoA: NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM #73

Closed Andryshik345 closed 5 years ago

Andryshik345 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to boot WoA with UEFI on SD card and Windows installed on USB device. But I'm get an BSoD with stop code NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. This is problem with dwusb or something else? SD card have 2 GB memory, FAT32 filesystem with debug UEFI in root and Windows 17134.1.180410-1804.RS4 flashed on USB with Windows on Raspberry imager.

Two screenshots is here:

mariobalanica commented 5 years ago

You can't boot Windows from an USB drive at the moment. The USB driver is very unstable.

Andryshik345 commented 5 years ago

@mariobalanica Oh, okay, then i close this thread, thanks for answer.