andremm / typedlua

An Optional Type System for Lua
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self type broken #76

Closed kevinclancy closed 8 years ago

kevinclancy commented 8 years ago

In, I have the example from André's thesis. In, I have code which uses the class which has been defined.

local Shape = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }

const function Shape:new (x:number, y:number):self
  local s:self = setmetatable({}, { __index = self })
  s.x = x
  s.y = y
  return s

const function Shape:move (dx:number, dy:number):()
  self.x = self.x + dx
  self.y = self.y + dy

return Shape

local shape = require("testfile")

local s = shape:new(3,2)

Running on tlc on testfile2, I get the following errors

./ type error, self type appearing in a place that is not a first parameter or a return type inside type 'self', replacing with 'any' type error, attempt to pass '(nil, 3, 2, nil*)' to field of input type '({x:number, y:number, const new:(self, number, number, value*) -> (self, nil*), const move:(self, number, number, value*) -> (nil*)}, number, number, value*)' type error, attempt to pass '(nil, 20, 25, nil*)' to field of input type '({x:number, y:number, const new:(self, number, number, value*) -> (self, nil*), const move:(self, number, number, value*) -> (nil*)}, number, number, value*)'

The latter two errors are due to env.self being nil when check_invoke is called. Of course, it should be nil in this case, but check_invoke assumes that it isn't. I haven't examined the first error.

This is probably an issue for me to deal with. But just so people know that this exists, I decided to file an issue for it.