andrenatal / voice-addon

Handsfree Voice addon for Mozilla's WoT Gateway
Mozilla Public License 2.0
9 stars 10 forks source link

It works! .. now what do I do? #16

Closed flatsiedatsie closed 4 years ago

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

I've installed the addon, and now I hear a ping-ping everytime I say Mozilla. Cool!

So.. now what do I do?

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

Ah, in the logs I can see things like:

2019-01-13 21:57:55.976 voice-addon: mensagem no mqtt no addon {"text":"set warmer four ten mint lights","likelihood":0.7033179,"tokens":[{"value":"set","confidence":0.9722156,"range_start":0,"range_end":3,"time":{"start":0.0,"end":1.0845455}},{"value":"warmer","confidence":0.44356894,"range_start":4,"range_end":10,"time":{"start":1.1261169,"end":1.523375}},{"value":"four","confidence":0.7140663,"range_start":11,"range_end":15,"time":{"start":1.5256166,"end":1.6418508}},{"value":"ten","confidence":0.6879254,"range_start":16,"range_end":19,"time":{"start":1.6425952,"end":1.8689593}},{"value":"mint","confidence":0.77010167,"range_start":20,"range_end":24,"time":{"start":1.8689593,"end":2.059897}}, {"value":"lights","confidence":0.7419223,"range_start":25,"range_end":31,"time":{"start":2.059897,"end":2.9329517}}],"seconds":3.0,"siteId":"default","sessionId":"XXXXXXXXXX(redacted by me)"}

Which would indicate that it has a hard time understanding what I say :-) (Which in this case was 'Set timer for ten minutes').

What should I tell it?

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

Any idea why the voice recognition doesn't recognize the commands? I don't believe I have a strange accent.

andrenatal commented 5 years ago

Hi @flatsiedatsie, are you using the latest version of the addon? If yes, you can see the commands being issued in the Event Log page. After having the keyword triggered, you'll need to say something like , for example 'turn on the kitchen', while is the name of a thing you have configured in your dashboard.

flatsiedatsie commented 5 years ago

I have recently learned that support for things like "set a timer for 5 minutes" and "what time is it", is dependent on the controller (Mozilla Gateway or this add-on) actually being able to handle the command. It doesn't come as 'built in' to snips.

I guess I could turn this question into two feature requests?

Should I make this feature request here or with Mozilla? Or is this is a poor request to make?