andreruffert / rangeslider.js

🎚 HTML5 input range slider element jQuery polyfill
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Unable to drag slider in Firefox 27 on OS X #2

Closed sime closed 10 years ago

sime commented 10 years ago

Slider drags for Chrome and Safari on OS X, but not for Firefox 27.

andreruffert commented 10 years ago

Heyo @sime I can not reproduce this issue on my mbp (OS X 10.9.1) with Firefox 27.0. The only thing I would think about is that there is maybe something wrong with the isTouchScreen() detection. Is it possible that you log the value of for example console.log(defaults.startEvent);?

sime commented 10 years ago
>>> console.log(defaults.startEvent);
ReferenceError: defaults is not defined

isTouchScreen() returns true. Sounds like a false positive?

If I go Tools > Responsive Design View and select 'Simulate touch events', the slider works.

andreruffert commented 10 years ago

Ok thanks for the info. It's definitively a problem with the isTouchScreen() method. Sometimes it returns true if some dev tools are open. I'll check this out if I find time.

MichaelVdheeren commented 10 years ago

Some thing happens on windows 8 with chrome version 33. While with the same version of chrome on osx it works.

infacq commented 10 years ago

also occur when applied with requirejs.

MichaelVdheeren commented 10 years ago

It's definitively a problem with the isTouchScreen() method. It returns true on laptops that run Windows and support touch but sometimes do not have touch. So the check is wrong.

andreruffert commented 10 years ago

Finally made some optimizations see pr #36. Would be great if some of you guys can test it.

andreruffert commented 10 years ago

36 fixes this issue