andres-torres-marroquin / django-dropbox

A Django App that contains a Django Storage which uses Dropbox.
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Access error #6

Open anishmenon opened 10 years ago

anishmenon commented 10 years ago

While upload

[400] u"Full Dropbox access attempt failed because this app is not configured to have full Dropbox access. Should your access type be app folder ('sandbox') instead?"

entangly commented 10 years ago

also having this problem, any luck fixing it?

anishmenon commented 10 years ago

I think go for an alternative . I dint get any fix from author or other dev's

brunozrk commented 10 years ago

You got this error because the default folder in DjangoDropbox is "Public" You can define the folder of your app in constructor

STORAGE = DropboxStorage('/app_folder')

leonardoo commented 10 years ago

hi, for fix this problem you have to set in settings ACCESS_TYPE="app_folder" and apply my comit, and you have to put in the init storage DropboxStorage(location="/app_name")

sorry my english is bad

maxicecilia commented 9 years ago

Thanks @leonardoo, that commit fixes this issue!