andrescavallin / lichess-dgt-boards

Play on using your DGT Electronic Board
MIT License
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Analysis tab support? #4

Open Marnix95 opened 2 years ago

Marnix95 commented 2 years ago

Suggested feature: Make it possible to use the lichess -> Analysis tab with a DGT board.

Context: Currently DGT (or any electronic chess set) works for playing rapid on lichess. Im very thankful for this option being there, but i do really miss being able to prepare for OTB games using the Lichess -> Analysis tab. If somehow within the analysis tab the current position on the DGT board could be mirrored, it would be amazing to explore openings and prepare this way. I realize this might be a somewhat niche feature that doesn't make a difference for the majority of the users. But for the people that have a hard time using mouse and keyboard (like me, tendonitis) it would be an amazing feature.