andresgongora / synth-shell-greeter

A system status report and your personal ASCII-art logo for your terminal sessions
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 15 forks source link

Missing commands error at launch and progress bars invisible #24

Closed numanSlm closed 4 years ago

numanSlm commented 4 years ago

1: The following errors are displayed at when console is launched bash: bc: command not found bash: [: -gt: unary operator expected bash: [: 0: unary operator expected 2: Progress bars missing in SYS LOAD MONITORS

Attached screenshot for reference


andresgongora commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all the feedback. I think I might have solved this problem, but I'm still working on it on a separate repository. Sorry for the late reply/solution, I'm currently finishing a separate and very big project :)

andresgongora commented 4 years ago
Sorry for the late reply. I have several major projects going on and so I was unable to address all issues of this repo. I'm a bit more free now and so we should be able to fix all issues in a short time.

Please let me remind you that synth-shell is going through a big change. I'm moving all script inside synth-shell to external repos, so that they now becomes submodules that can, if the user wishes so, be installed completely independently. This is a big improvement, but requires a lot of work. Just as a brief overview:

- synth-shell this will be the parent repo. Eventually it will contain little code on its own and will become a bundle of submodules.

- bash-tools all auxiliar functions that have "generic" use will be store here. Like printer helpers and such.

- synth-shell-greeter, formerly known as, is the script that prints the logo and system status info.

- synth-shell-prompt prints a nice colored prompt with triangles.

Hi @numanSlm , thanks for the bug report. I think this issue is tightly tied to the other bugs the script has. Please consider reinstalling synth-shell, I have updated the master branch heavily. Please let me know if doing so fixes the bug or other new ones appear.

andresgongora commented 4 years ago

Ok. Please follow these steps to see if we can pinpoint the issue:

  1. Go to your bashrc file and remove EVERYTHING related to synth-shell. Simply use your favorite text editor, such as nano ~/.bashrc or gedit ~/.bashrc and scroll to (propably) the bottom of the file, locate all lines by synth-shell, delete them, and save.
  2. Update synth-shell from the master branch. That is, simply reinstall synth-shell from scratch. Do so for your user only and use all the default options (aka smash that ENTER key repeatedly).
  3. Confirm if you still get the bug, or new ones.
  4. Let's try to determine if the problem is caused by synth-shell-greeter. This is VERY LIKELY the case. To confirm if it is, run in your terminal source $HOME/.config/synth-shell/ Does the errors appear again?

Please let me know of the outcome. @bassamanator has a similar issue.

andresgongora commented 4 years ago

Ok. The issue was in plain sight. Before you do the above steps, please install the bc package. Its a terminal calculator. Its now much in use in 2020, but I found it to be a convenient "hack/solution" to work with float numbers in synth-shell-greeter.

Try, depending on your distro:

sudo apt-get install bc
sudo pacman -S bc

If it fixed the problem, let me know and I will replace bc, or at least add it as an explicit dependency. It's usually present in bigger distros, put it likely isn't in tiny ones like those for the rPi.

Also, I'm moving the issue to the other repo, as I'm now 99.99% sure that its only related to synth-shell-greeter.

numanSlm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for working on this issue, It has been resolved now! I think the bc package fixed it, since it wasn't installed on my distro

Also, Installing the synth-shell as a standalone fixed it Cleared my .bashrc and I installed synth-shell-greeter independently from master branch as prompted in the above steps. And then installed the synth-shell seperately. Works like a charm now.


Thank you, it's an awesome package and a well-documented repo