andresgsaravia / research-engine

A platform in Google App Engine to facilitate reasearchers' life.
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Layout redesign #146

Closed logan-r closed 11 years ago

logan-r commented 11 years ago

I've created a sample of a new layout for Research Engine using bootstrap. Let me now what you think.

andresgsaravia commented 11 years ago

Sorry, I don't why I haven't seen your comment until today. I wasn't aware of Bootstrap but it looks really nice. I particularly like the professional look it has and the way it adjusts to small screens. I think this is much better than my primitive HTML+CSS skills.

andresgsaravia commented 11 years ago

I'm working now on using bootstrap on this branch. It looks a lot better! Thank you!

captura de pantalla 2013-09-30 a las 09 02 58