andresriancho / w3af

w3af: web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
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Too many open files @ multiprocessing #11074

Closed 1d3df9903ad closed 9 years ago

1d3df9903ad commented 9 years ago

No user description was provided for this bug report given that it was related to handled exceptions in scan with id 31b5d7b58c

Version Information

  Python version: 2.7.3 (default, Mar 13 2014, 11:03:55) [GCC 4.7.2]
  GTK version: 2.24.10
  PyGTK version: 2.24.0
  w3af version:
    w3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
    Version: 1.6.46
    Distribution: Kali Linux
    Author: Andres Riancho and the w3af team.


A "error" exception was found while running grep.credit_cards on "Method: GET | http://domain/". The exception was: "[Errno 24] Too many open files" at full traceback is:
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/core/controllers/core_helpers/consumers/", line 76, in run
    plugin.grep_wrapper(request, response)
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/core/controllers/plugins/", line 51, in grep_wrapper
    self.grep(fuzzable_request, response)
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/plugins/grep/", line 86, in grep
    and response.get_clear_text_body() is not None:
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/core/data/url/", line 283, in get_clear_text_body
    parser = self.get_parser()
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/core/data/url/", line 297, in get_parser
    return parser_cache.dpc.get_document_parser_for(self)
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/core/data/parsers/", line 219, in get_document_parser_for
  File "/usr/share/w3af/w3af/core/data/parsers/", line 77, in start_workers
    self._processes = manager.dict()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 667, in temp
    token, exp = self._create(typeid, *args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 565, in _create
    conn = self._Client(self._address, authkey=self._authkey)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 169, in Client
    c = SocketClient(address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 292, in SocketClient
    s = socket.socket( getattr(socket, family) )
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 187, in __init__
    _sock = _realsocket(family, type, proto)

Enabled Plugins

{'attack': {},
 'audit': {'blind_sqli': {},
           'buffer_overflow': {},
           'cors_origin': {},
           'csrf': {},
           'dav': {},
           'eval': {},
           'file_upload': {},
           'format_string': {},
           'frontpage': {},
           'generic': {},
           'global_redirect': {},
           'htaccess_methods': {},
           'ldapi': {},
           'lfi': {},
           'mx_injection': {},
           'os_commanding': {},
           'phishing_vector': {},
           'preg_replace': {},
           'redos': {},
           'response_splitting': {},
           'rfi': {},
           'sqli': {},
           'ssi': {},
           'ssl_certificate': {},
           'un_ssl': {},
           'xpath': {},
           'xss': {},
           'xst': {}},
 'auth': {},
 'bruteforce': {},
 'crawl': {},
 'evasion': {},
 'grep': {'analyze_cookies': {},
          'blank_body': {},
          'cache_control': {},
          'click_jacking': {},
          'code_disclosure': {},
          'credit_cards': {},
          'cross_domain_js': {},
          'directory_indexing': {},
          'dom_xss': {},
          'dot_net_event_validation': {},
          'error_500': {},
          'error_pages': {},
          'feeds': {},
          'form_autocomplete': {},
          'get_emails': {},
          'hash_analysis': {},
          'html_comments': {},
          'http_auth_detect': {},
          'http_in_body': {},
          'lang': {},
          'meta_tags': {},
          'motw': {},
          'objects': {},
          'oracle': {},
          'password_profiling': {},
          'path_disclosure': {},
          'private_ip': {},
          'ssn': {},
          'strange_headers': {},
          'strange_http_codes': {},
          'strange_parameters': {},
          'strange_reason': {},
          'svn_users': {},
          'symfony': {},
          'url_session': {},
          'user_defined_regex': {},
          'wsdl_greper': {},
          'xss_protection_header': {}},
 'infrastructure': {'afd': {},
                    'allowed_methods': {},
                    'detect_reverse_proxy': {},
                    'detect_transparent_proxy': {},
                    'dns_wildcard': {},
                    'domain_dot': {},
                    'favicon_identification': {},
                    'find_jboss': {},
                    'find_vhosts': {},
                    'fingerprint_WAF': {},
                    'fingerprint_os': {},
                    'frontpage_version': {},
                    'halberd': {},
                    'hmap': {},
                    'http_vs_https_dist': {},
                    'php_eggs': {},
                    'server_header': {},
                    'server_status': {}},
 'mangle': {},
 'output': {'console': {}, 'text_file': {}}}
andresriancho commented 9 years ago

The user's OS is crazy