andresriancho / w3af

w3af: web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
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Improve WAVSEP score for SQL injection by at least 20% #1799

Open andresriancho opened 10 years ago

andresriancho commented 10 years ago

User story

As a user I want w3af to find as many SQL injection vulnerabilities as possible.

Conditions of satisfaction

(Test id: 139848028003088) 4.05064296722 > 0.2 > 1.99437300364 (Test id: 139848028003088) Failed to control HTTP response delay for URL - parameter "transactionDate" for 2 seconds using <ExactDelay (fmt:1 OR (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(%s)))foo), delta:0, mult:1)>, response wait time was: 0.2 seconds and response ID: 498.


Related with "Install WAVSEP in CircleCI" #919 Related with "Improve WAVSEP score for XSS" #37

andresriancho commented 9 years ago

Multiple tests are failing, I'm guessing this is CircleCI's fault. More debugging is needed...