This is the information about the SSL certificate used for raft.lan site:
== Certificate information ==
{'notAfter': 'Feb 4 12:00:00 2015 GMT',
'subject': ((('countryName', u'US'),),
(('stateOrProvinceName', u'Utah'),),
(('localityName', u'Draper'),),
(('organizationName', ... Technology Corporation'),),
(('commonName', u'.raft.lan'),)),
'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '.raft.lan'),
('DNS', 'raft.lan'),
('DNS', ''))}
First of all, the output formatting of this vulnerability can be improved by better use of spaces, translating "countryName" to "Country", etc.
Once that's done, I would like to provide the plugins with a feature to allow them to define the vulnerability descriptions using markdown/RST. Then, the GUI would render that format into HTML and show it in a text box.
First of all, the output formatting of this vulnerability can be improved by better use of spaces, translating "countryName" to "Country", etc.
Once that's done, I would like to provide the plugins with a feature to allow them to define the vulnerability descriptions using markdown/RST. Then, the GUI would render that format into HTML and show it in a text box.