andresriancho / w3af

w3af: web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
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[Auto-Generated] Bug Report - raise value #459

Closed 1d3df9903ad closed 11 years ago

1d3df9903ad commented 11 years ago

User description

No user description was provided for this bug report given that it was related to handled exceptions in scan with id bb6a2217ac

Version Information

  Python version: 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) [GCC 4.7.2]
  GTK version: 2.24.13
  PyGTK version: 2.24.0
  w3af version:
    w3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
    Version: 1.5
    Revision: 319d65d0c5 - 19 May 2013 01:14
    Author: Andres Riancho and the w3af team.


An exception was found while running infrastructure.find_vhosts on "http://domain/ | Method: GET". The exception was: "deque mutated during iteration" at full traceback is:
  File "/home/user/w3af/core/controllers/core_helpers/consumers/", line 389, in _discover_worker
    result = plugin.discover_wrapper(fuzzable_request)
  File "/home/user/w3af/core/controllers/plugins/", line 46, in discover_wrapper
  File "/home/user/w3af/plugins/infrastructure/", line 64, in discover
    analysis_result = self._analyze(fuzzable_request)
  File "/home/user/w3af/plugins/infrastructure/", line 71, in _analyze
  File "/home/user/w3af/plugins/infrastructure/", line 198, in _generic_vhosts
    for vhost, vhost_response in self._send_in_threads(base_url, vhosts):
  File "/home/user/w3af/plugins/infrastructure/", line 215, in _send_in_threads
    for ((base_url, vhost),), vhost_response in pool_results:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 653, in next
    raise value

Enabled Plugins

{'attack': {},
 'audit': {u'blind_sqli': <OptionList: eq_limit>,
           u'buffer_overflow': <OptionList: >,
           u'cors_origin': <OptionList: origin_header_value>,
           u'csrf': <OptionList: >,
           u'dav': <OptionList: >,
           u'eval': <OptionList: use_time_delay|use_echo>,
           u'file_upload': <OptionList: extensions>,
           u'format_string': <OptionList: >,
           u'frontpage': <OptionList: >,
           u'generic': <OptionList: diff_ratio>,
           u'global_redirect': <OptionList: >,
           u'htaccess_methods': <OptionList: >,
           u'ldapi': <OptionList: >,
           u'lfi': <OptionList: >,
           u'mx_injection': <OptionList: >,
           u'os_commanding': <OptionList: >,
           u'phishing_vector': <OptionList: >,
           u'preg_replace': <OptionList: >,
           u'redos': <OptionList: >,
           u'response_splitting': <OptionList: >,
           u'rfi': <OptionList: listen_address|listen_port|use_w3af_site>,
           u'sqli': <OptionList: >,
           u'ssi': <OptionList: >,
           u'ssl_certificate': <OptionList: minExpireDays|caFileName>,
           u'un_ssl': <OptionList: >,
           u'xpath': <OptionList: >,
           u'xss': <OptionList: persistent_xss>,
           u'xst': <OptionList: >},
 'auth': {},
 'bruteforce': {u'basic_auth': <OptionList: usersFile|passwdFile|useSvnUsers|stopOnFirst|passEqUser|useLeetPasswd|useEmails|useProfiling|profilingNumber|comboFile|comboSeparator>,
                u'form_auth': <OptionList: usersFile|passwdFile|useSvnUsers|stopOnFirst|passEqUser|useLeetPasswd|useEmails|useProfiling|profilingNumber|comboFile|comboSeparator>},
 'crawl': {u'web_spider': <OptionList: only_forward|follow_regex|ignore_regex>},
 'evasion': {},
 'grep': {u'ajax': <OptionList: >,
          u'analyze_cookies': <OptionList: >,
          u'blank_body': <OptionList: >,
          u'cache_control': <OptionList: >,
          u'click_jacking': <OptionList: >,
          u'code_disclosure': <OptionList: >,
          u'credit_cards': <OptionList: >,
          u'cross_domain_js': <OptionList: >,
          u'directory_indexing': <OptionList: >,
          u'dom_xss': <OptionList: >,
          u'dot_net_event_validation': <OptionList: >,
          u'error_500': <OptionList: >,
          u'error_pages': <OptionList: >,
          u'feeds': <OptionList: >,
          u'file_upload': <OptionList: >,
          u'form_autocomplete': <OptionList: >,
          u'get_emails': <OptionList: only_target_domain>,
          u'hash_analysis': <OptionList: >,
          u'html_comments': <OptionList: >,
          u'http_auth_detect': <OptionList: >,
          u'http_in_body': <OptionList: >,
          u'lang': <OptionList: >,
          u'meta_tags': <OptionList: >,
          u'motw': <OptionList: >,
          u'objects': <OptionList: >,
          u'oracle': <OptionList: >,
          u'password_profiling': <OptionList: >,
          u'path_disclosure': <OptionList: >,
          u'private_ip': <OptionList: >,
          u'ssn': <OptionList: >,
          u'strange_headers': <OptionList: >,
          u'strange_http_codes': <OptionList: >,
          u'strange_parameters': <OptionList: >,
          u'strange_reason': <OptionList: >,
          u'svn_users': <OptionList: >,
          u'symfony': <OptionList: override>,
          u'url_session': <OptionList: >,
          u'user_defined_regex': <OptionList: single_regex|regex_file_path>,
          u'wsdl_greper': <OptionList: >,
          u'xss_protection_header': <OptionList: >},
 'infrastructure': {u'afd': <OptionList: >,
                    u'allowed_methods': <OptionList: execOneTime|reportDavOnly>,
                    u'detect_reverse_proxy': <OptionList: >,
                    u'detect_transparent_proxy': <OptionList: >,
                    u'dns_wildcard': <OptionList: >,
                    u'domain_dot': <OptionList: >,
                    u'favicon_identification': <OptionList: >,
                    u'find_jboss': <OptionList: >,
                    u'find_vhosts': <OptionList: >,
                    u'fingerprint_WAF': <OptionList: >,
                    u'fingerprint_os': <OptionList: >,
                    u'frontpage_version': <OptionList: >,
                    u'halberd': <OptionList: >,
                    u'hmap': <OptionList: genFpF>,
                    u'http_vs_https_dist': <OptionList: httpPort|httpsPort>,
                    u'php_eggs': <OptionList: >,
                    u'server_header': <OptionList: >,
                    u'server_status': <OptionList: >},
 'mangle': {},
 'output': {u'console': <OptionList: verbose>,
            u'text_file': <OptionList: verbose|output_file|http_output_file>}}
andresriancho commented 11 years ago
