andrethemac / L76GLNSV4

MicroPython library for quectel L76 glnss gps on pycom pytrack
MIT License
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get_fix timeout does not work #13

Closed vinci1it2000 closed 2 years ago

vinci1it2000 commented 4 years ago

The timeout does not work, because the chrono is continuously reset inside the while loop by _read_message.

dgraposo commented 4 years ago

The same behaviour here! Thanks for the project! Great contribution!

andrethemac commented 4 years ago

New commit by Patrick should fix the error. Can you try again?

kbondarev commented 4 years ago

I have stumbled on the same issue.

I think in order to fix this you need to create different chrono instances in each function instead of having one instance of chrono in the whole class (self.chrono)

I can attempt and fix this and create a pull request if you want

andrethemac commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody. Thank you for the fixed. best regards