andrew-bierman / PackRat

PackRat is a versatile adventure planner tailored for outdoor enthusiasts. It simplifies the process of organizing trips from a simple day hike to cross-country journeys.
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Resolve Search Functionality and Finalize Chat Feature Implementation #800

Closed EngrAJ8888 closed 1 month ago

EngrAJ8888 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug Upon utilizing the search button, I noticed that it did not trigger any action. Additionally, the chat feature remains incomplete and requires further development.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Visit the URL:
  2. Log in to your account with the following credentials: Email: Password: 12345678
  3. Navigate to the main page.
  4. Click on the "Create pack" option, under quick actions.
  5. Utilize the “Chat” button
  6. Navigate to Feeds, Pack and Trips option from the menu
  7. Search for name of packs or trips

Expected behavior

Screenshots 26



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pinocchio-life-like commented 2 months ago

Check This PR: and let me know if issues or updates

Below is for two different packs: Test Pack AJ Test and Test AJ Pack One

Screenshot 2024-04-05 183339 Screenshot 2024-04-05 183515

EngrAJ8888 commented 2 months ago

Hi @pinocchio-life-like. Thank you for the update! I've checked using the preview link of the PR: However, I encountered an issue where I couldn't enter queries on the chat. It seems like this might need an update.

Could you please take a look at the video below for reference?

pinocchio-life-like commented 2 months ago

Alright @EngrAJ8888 I will take a look.

pinocchio-life-like commented 2 months ago

@EngrAJ8888 I have fixed the issue also has some minor implementation changes from last time. check and let me know. Thanks!

EngrAJ8888 commented 2 months ago

Hi @pinocchio-life-like - thanks for the update! the search functionality in the feed menu is now working.

However, it seems like there's an issue with the chat functionality. Thank you! image

EngrAJ8888 commented 1 month ago

Hi @pinocchio-life-like , just wanted to bring this to your attention again. Thanks!

pinocchio-life-like commented 1 month ago

@EngrAJ8888 Got it will send a new PR soon.

pinocchio-life-like commented 1 month ago

@EngrAJ8888 here:, review it please!

EngrAJ8888 commented 1 month ago

@pinocchio-life-like thanks for the update! will review once the cloudflare link is available.

pinocchio-life-like commented 1 month ago

@EngrAJ8888 Wait I see some issues, sorry! will let you know after I test all.

EngrAJ8888 commented 1 month ago

@pinocchio-life-like, got it! just let me know if this is ready for testing. Thank you!

adding in @jeweltee too

EngrAJ8888 commented 1 month ago

I've reviewed the PR link, and the chat feature has already been fixed. Closing this task now.