andrew-bierman / PackRat

PackRat is a versatile adventure planner tailored for outdoor enthusiasts. It simplifies the process of organizing trips from a simple day hike to cross-country journeys.
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Reset Password Functionality Issue #865

Closed jeweltee closed 1 week ago

jeweltee commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug The Reset Password functionality on the website is not functioning as expected

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to " "
  2. Navigate to the "Menu" and click "LogIn"
  3. Click on " Reset Password? "
  4. Click on " Request Password Reset Email "
  5. Enter your email and click " Send Email "
  6. There will be a pop-up message "Password reset email sent"
  7. Check your inbox

Expected behavior Upon submitting the password reset request, users should receive an email containing instructions and a link to reset their password

Actual behavior After submitting the password reset request, users do not receive any email confirmation or instructions for resetting password.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

pinocchio-life-like commented 1 week ago

@jeweltee You can Test it here: and close this issue

jeweltee commented 1 week ago

Issue fixed. Closing this ticket