andrew-bierman / PackRat

PackRat is a versatile adventure planner tailored for outdoor enthusiasts. It simplifies the process of organizing trips from a simple day hike to cross-country journeys.
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Dark Mode Reverts to Light Mode After Refresh #945

Open JewelTee opened 1 month ago

JewelTee commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug When using the application in Dark Mode, refreshing the page causes the theme to revert back to Light Mode.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Sign In to your account with the following credentials: email: Password: 12345678
  3. Navigate to the Menu and click 'Appearance'
  4. Enable Dark Mode
  5. Refresh the Page

Expected behavior The application should retain Dark Mode after the page refreshes


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