andrew-d / static-binaries

Various *nix tools built as statically-linked binaries
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Add tcpdump for linux x86_64 #32

Open jm33-m0 opened 4 years ago

jm33-m0 commented 4 years ago

stripped, upx compressed

jm33-m0 commented 4 years ago

Compiled with musl libc under Alpine linux

mathieu-aubin commented 4 years ago

I wouldnt be the person who would trust anything UPX compressed that plays in such a sensitive area as networking... Why the need to compress? Where is the build script so i can replicate? I can only see ARM architecture as far as build script and frankly, to me, providing a compressed binary and trying to submit only a finished executable, without any trace evidences of something suposedly replicable or at least something that goes with the lines of this repository/project, aka build files rather than a binary collection, sounds/looks very very fishy.

Anyone agrees? Sorry i do not know you, nor have i looked at your profile or am i basing myself on anything more than the very nature of this pull request so nothing personnal.

Pull a build script, that works with the current build engine so its at least relevant to the project

jm33-m0 commented 4 years ago

Ok, I will put a docker file and a build script later, thanks for the advice

mathieu-aubin commented 4 years ago

look at the current repository's build system work and best is to keep the same structure/logic so it's reproducible and well, at least tis way the file can't be a possible 'dud' after people can build their own... also, having source code is always great.

I myself am a fan of static binaries but mainly for things that are not standard from distro to the next. This way and at least for me, i keep a 'toolbox' of tools that i need on a very close to daily basis and which i don't want to FU*** around recompiling to install or just to get the latest version.

Then i have a bash function that checks for server's files (toolbox is online and available password-protected). A quick hash check makes sure that i always can carry the best, latest toolbox as i have compiled it.

Thank you for your kind response, many wouldn't have liked such a straightforward attitude from some unknown jerk (me)!


jm33-m0 commented 4 years ago

Fix #6

jm33-m0 commented 4 years ago

@mathieu-aubin I've updated with build script and a stripped (without compression) tcpdump binary.

The build script runs in official Alpine docker