andrew-edwards / sizeSpectra

R package for fitting size spectra to ecological data (including binned data)
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build_vignettes() works but build() fails in segments (l117) of MEPS_IBTS_recommend.Rmd vignette #5

Closed andrew-edwards closed 4 years ago

andrew-edwards commented 4 years ago

Vignettes are fine on GitHub website and in package, just need build() working to make a .tar.gz file.

andrew-edwards commented 4 years ago

Get error cannot mix zero-length and non-zero-length coordinates.

When comment out L117 segments section, then get error zero-length 'labels' specified

Have started commenting out subsequent bits (not committed).

andrew-edwards commented 4 years ago

Just commented them out to make the .tar.gz file for Supp Material for MEPS. Now back in and vignette is good.