andrew6180 / TradeSkillMaster

TradeSkillMaster 2.8 backported to 3.3.5
49 stars 14 forks source link

GetAll Scan fails occasionally #26

Closed shravanshetty1 closed 1 year ago

shravanshetty1 commented 2 years ago

Here is the error report

Addon: TradeSkillMaster
Message:  Interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\Core\Threading.lua:28: memory allocation error: block too big
Date: 08/29/22 19:15:23
Client: 3.3.5
Locale: enUS
[C]: <pcall>
[string "*:OnLoad"]:4: <[string "*:OnLoad"]:1>
[C]: <error>
TSM\Core\Threading.lua:28: <callback>
TSM\Util\Delay.lua:30: <Delay.lua:18>
TSM Stack:
Local Variables:

TSM Event Log:
1 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20E0D680
2 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 290C6550
3 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20BD3E00
4 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20F22B48
5 | TSM:GROUPS:ADDITEMS | table: 1288C6B0
6 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 1F93EC30
7 | TSM:GROUPS:ADDITEMS | table: 29105530
8 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20BF9710
9 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20AC0730
10 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 1F7D8068
11 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 2132B448
12 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20C19578
13 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20BE69C0
15 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20F76ED8
16 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20CA9448
17 | TSM:GROUPS:MOVEITEMS | table: 20BA6590
18 | AUCTIONING:POST:START | table: 1F5E8B30
    AtlasLoot (v5.11.04)
    Auctionator (2.6.3)
    Bagnon (2.13.3)
    Bartender4 (4.4.2-12-g94f3b58)
    BigDebuffs (v6.4)
    BindPad (2.2.4)
    BonusScanner (5.4.0)
    Cheese (1.0)
    Details ()
    Details_DeathGraphs ()
    Details_EncounterDetails ()
    Details_DataStorage ()
    Details_TimeLine ()
    Details_ChartViewer ()
    DressMe (1.3.1)
    GearScore (3.1.20b - Release)
    GladiusEx ()
    IdTip (2.00)
    LoseControl (3.33)
    MoveAnything (3.3.5-10)
    Omen (v3.0.9)
    OmniCC (3.0.4)
    OmniCC_Config ()
    PlateBuffs (1.5.4beta)
    Postal (v3.3.2)
    SellOMatic (v1.2.8a)
    TSM (v2.8.3)
    TSM_Accounting (v2.3)
    TSM_AuctionDB (v2.3.10)
    TSM_Auctioning (v2.3.3)
    TSM_Crafting (v2.5.2)
    TSM_Destroying (v2.1.1)
    TSM_ItemTracker (v2.0.8)
    TSM_Mailing (v2.2.1)
    TSM_Shopping (v2.3.6)
    TSM_Warehousing (v2.0.10)
    DBM-Core ()