andrew867 / timeclock

An updated version of PHP Timeclock
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Timezone not Sync with Client TZ Setting #2

Open JS96435 opened 11 years ago

JS96435 commented 11 years ago

My server in located in another state, if I want to use the old setting that allows you to use Client timezone, The settings do not sync over to Timeclock or punchtime plug-in. I was wondering if they are setup with the same configuration file as the original?

andrew867 commented 10 years ago

The client timezone option only affects when a user is viewing the site. When the option is on the Timeclock sets a cookie to the client browsers timezone offset. This only changes the way times are viewed not stored, all in/out times are stored as a GMT unix timestamp in the database.

To turn it on set the options in the main config file like this: $use_client_tz = "yes"; $use_server_tz = "no";

Really the timezone offset should be set per user account that way if an Admin views their timesheet it shows in the client's local time.

mckinleysh27 commented 8 years ago

I'm getting a lof mixed results with this...the time run on my reports are correct, but the times listed in the report are still GMT....o_0

It seems like no matter what I have set the times are displayed in GMT on timeclock.php and in reports...any tips?

mckinleysh27 commented 8 years ago

Furthermore I can manually adjust the $tzo variable in functions.php and this has no effect on the way the time is displayed in reports and in the timeclock.php screen...I know the variable is getting parsed because when I echo the tzo variable it prints what I set it to.

benscanfiles commented 8 years ago

I believe much of these issues are part and parcel of:

boelle commented 8 years ago

@andrew867 still arround? i have opened a few other issues and wonder if there are some of the @Collaborator that know how to fix them?

Maybe i'm able to throw some money after it, but will have to ask my boss first