andrewCodeDev / Metaphor

Machine Learning Library in Zig
MIT License
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Python Bindings #2

Open andrewCodeDev opened 2 weeks ago

andrewCodeDev commented 2 weeks ago

Begin creating python bindings for the functions/objects in the src/metaphor.zig file. This is the public facing API for the whole library.

To start, we should focus on the public objects from the core import:

pub const Graph = core.Graph;
pub const Tensor = core.Tensor;
pub const scalar = core.scalar;

Structs subdivide the API file into separate namespaces:

pub const device = struct {
    pub const init = core.utils.init_device;
    pub const sync = core.utils.synchronize_device;
    pub const check = core.utils.check_last_error;

pub const stream = struct {
    pub const init = core.utils.init_stream;
    pub const deinit = core.utils.deinit_stream;
    pub const sync = core.utils.synchronize_stream;
    pub const Group = core.utils.StreamGroup;

pub const util = struct {
    pub const to_device = core.utils.copy_to_device;
    pub const from_device = core.utils.copy_from_device;
    pub const alloc = core.utils.alloc;
    pub const create = core.utils.create;
    pub const free =;

pub const algo = struct {
    const mem = @import("algo/mem.zig");
    pub const fill = mem.fill;
    pub const copy = mem.copy;
    pub const sequence = mem.sequence;

pub const ops = struct {
    pub const add = @import("ops/addition.zig").forward;
    pub const sub = @import("ops/subtraction.zig").forward;
    pub const hadamard = @import("ops/hadamard.zig").forward;
    pub const translate = @import("ops/translate.zig").forward;
    pub const dialate = @import("ops/dialate.zig").forward;
JudsenAtFlexgen commented 2 weeks ago

Let's assign my work account. You can follow this and hopefully assign me.