andrewRowlinson / mplsoccer

Football pitch plotting library for matplotlib
MIT License
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Add a scatter density chart method #7

Open andrewRowlinson opened 3 years ago

andrewRowlinson commented 3 years ago

Add a scatter density method to the Pitch classes.


In principle, this could be added by using the c and cmap arguments of Axes.scatter. Calculating the density via kernel density estimation and using this as the c argument.

opengoalapp commented 3 years ago

I've carried out a bit more investigation as to what happens when you pass in a very large number of points into #34

For n<20,000 it will render within a couple of seconds on my mid-range 2019 laptop, so the user experience is fine in those situations. After that however things degrade quite rapidly, with n = 150,000 taking several minutes which is probably unacceptable.

Therefore I've investigated the following alternatives from

Option 1. mpl-scatter-density



Option 2. np.histogram2d



With this in mind I propose to resubmit #34 with option 2 implemented which gives significant speed improvement and the option to plot the highest density points last so they are on top.