andrewallenbruce / forager

Healthcare Revenue Cycle :infinity:
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Move utility functions to {fuimus} package #2

Closed andrewallenbruce closed 6 months ago

andrewallenbruce commented 7 months ago

Once complete, add the following to the DESCRIPTION file:


```r #' Generate mock coding/billing data frame #' #' @param rows number of rows to generate; default is 100 #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] #' @autoglobal #' @keyword internal #' @export #' @examples #' generate_data(rows = 5) generate_data <- function(rows = 100){ x <- tibble::tibble( claim_id = wakefield::id(n = rows), date_of_service = wakefield::date_stamp(n = rows, start = lubridate::today() - lubridate::dyears(2), random = TRUE), payer = fixtuRes::set_vector(rows, set = c("Medicare", "Medicaid", "Cigna", "Humana", "UnitedHealth", "Anthem", "BCBS", "Centene")), ins_class = fixtuRes::set_vector(rows, set = c("Primary", "Secondary")), balance = wakefield::income(n = rows, digits = 2) / 300) |> dplyr::mutate(date_of_service = lubridate::as_date(date_of_service), date_of_release = date_of_service + round(abs(rnorm(length(date_of_service), 11, 4))), date_of_submission = date_of_release + round(abs(rnorm(length(date_of_release), 2, 2))), date_of_acceptance = date_of_submission + round(abs(rnorm(length(date_of_submission), 3, 2))), date_of_adjudication = date_of_acceptance + round(abs(rnorm(length(date_of_acceptance), 30, 3)))) x |> tidyr::nest(dates = tidyr::contains("date")) } #' Count days between two dates #' #' @param df data frame #' @param start date column #' @param end date column #' @param name name of output column #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] #' @autoglobal #' @keyword internal #' @export #' @examples #' generate_data(rows = 5) |> #' tidyr::unnest(dates) |> #' count_days(date_of_service, date_of_release, provider_lag) count_days <- function(df, start, end, name) { df |> dplyr::mutate({{ name }} := clock::date_count_between({{ start }}, {{ end }}, "day"), .after = {{ end }}) } #' Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates #' #' @note This calculation includes the end date in the sum (see example) #' #' @param df data frame containing date columns #' @param start column containing date(s) prior to end_date column #' @param end column containing date(s) after start_date column #' @param colname desired column name of output; default is "age" #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with a named column #' containing the calculated number of days. #' #' @examples #' date_ex <- tibble::tibble(x = seq.Date(as.Date("2021-01-01"), #' by = "month", length.out = 3), #' y = seq.Date(as.Date("2022-01-01"), #' by = "month", length.out = 3)) #' #' age_days(df = date_ex, #' start = x, #' end = y) #' #' date_ex |> #' age_days(x, #' y, #' colname = "days_between_x_y") #' #' date_ex |> #' age_days(start = x, #' end = lubridate::today(), #' colname = "days_since_x") #' #' date_ex |> #' age_days(x, y, "days_between_x_y") |> #' age_days(x, lubridate::today(), "days_since_x") |> #' age_days(y, lubridate::today(), colname = "days_since_y") #' @autoglobal #' @keyword internal #' @export age_days <- function(df, start, end, colname = "age") { stopifnot(inherits(df, "data.frame")) results <- df |> dplyr::mutate(start = as.Date({{ start }}, "%yyyy-%mm-%dd", tz = "EST"), end = as.Date({{ end }}, "%yyyy-%mm-%dd", tz = "EST")) |> dplyr::mutate("{colname}" := ((as.numeric(lubridate::days(end) - lubridate::days(start), "hours") / 24) + 1)) |> dplyr::select(!c(end, start)) return(results) } ```