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Move utility functions to `fuimus` package #3

Closed andrewallenbruce closed 5 months ago

andrewallenbruce commented 5 months ago


Once complete, add the following to the DESCRIPTION file:


```r #' Generate a sequence of numbers with a new prefix #' #' @param n `` Numeric sequence to generate #' @param new `` New prefix #' @param between `` Separator between `new` and `old`, default `" = "` #' @param old `` Old prefix #' @param collapse `` Separator between sequences, default `", "` #' @param enclose `` *(optional)* Vector of `length(x) == 2` with which to enclose output #' @param style `` Apply `styler::style_text()` to output, default `TRUE` #' #' @return `` collapsed vector of `n` sequences #' #' @examples #' rename_seq( #' n = 10, #' new = "id_issuer_", #' between = " = ", #' old = "Other.ID.Issuer.", #' enclose = c("x = c(", ")"), #' collapse = ",\n ", #' style = TRUE) #' #' @autoglobal #' @export rename_seq <- function(n, new, between = " = ", old, collapse = ", ", enclose = NULL, style = TRUE) { x <- stringr::str_c( new, seq(n), between, old, seq(n), collapse = collapse) if (!is.null(enclose)) { x <- stringr::str_c( enclose[1], x, enclose[2] ) } if (style) { x <- styler::style_text(x) } return(x) } #' Format multiple line character vector to single line #' #' @param `` character vector with line breaks (`\n`) #' #' @returns `` single line character vector #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' single_line_string("D:/") #' #' @autoglobal #' @export #' @keywords internal single_line_string <- function(x) { stringr::str_remove_all( x, r"(\n\s*)" ) } #' @autoglobal #' @noRd months_regex <- function() { single_line_string( "(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?| Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?| Dec(?:ember)?)\\s+(\\d{1,2})\\,\\s+(\\d{4})") } #' Test if a path is a directory #' #' @param x `` path to check #' #' @returns named `` vector, where the names give the paths. If the given #' object does not exist, `NA` is returned. #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' is_directory("D:/") #' #' @autoglobal #' @export is_directory <- function(x) {fs::is_dir(x)} #' Test if a path is readable #' #' @param x `` vector of one or more paths #' #' @returns `` vector, with names corresponding to input path. #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' is_readable("D:/") #' #' @autoglobal #' @export is_readable <- function(x) {fs::file_exists(x)} #' Clean character vector of numbers #' #' @param x `` vector of numbers #' #' @return `` vector of numbers #' #' @examples #' clean_number(c("20%", "21,125,458", "$123")) #' #' @export #' @autoglobal clean_number <- function(x) { is_pct <- stringr::str_detect(x, "%") x <- x |> stringr::str_remove_all("%") |> stringr::str_remove_all(",") |> stringr::str_remove_all(stringr::fixed("$")) |> as.numeric(x) dplyr::if_else(is_pct, x / 100, x) } #' @examplesIf interactive() #' dplyr::tibble(x = 1:10, #' y = 1:10, #' z = letters[1:10]) |> #' count_prop(x) #' @autoglobal #' @noRd count_prop <- function(df, var, sort = FALSE) { df |> dplyr::count({{ var }}, sort = sort) |> dplyr::mutate(prop = n / sum(n)) } #' @examplesIf interactive() #' dplyr::tibble(x = 1:10, #' y = 1:10, #' z = letters[1:10]) |> #' count_missing(z, x) #' @autoglobal #' @noRd count_missing <- function(df, group_vars, x_var) { df |> dplyr::group_by(dplyr::pick({{ group_vars }})) |> dplyr::summarize( n_miss = sum({{ x_var }})), .groups = "drop" ) } #' @examplesIf interactive() #' ggplot2::diamonds |> #' count_wide(c(clarity, color), cut) #' @noRd #' @autoglobal count_wide <- function(data, rows, cols) { data |> dplyr::count(dplyr::pick(c({{ rows }}, {{ cols }}))) |> tidyr::pivot_wider( names_from = {{ cols }}, values_from = n, names_sort = TRUE, values_fill = 0 ) } #' @examplesIf interactive() #' dplyr::tibble(x = 1:10, #' y = 1:10, #' z = letters[1:10]) |> #' show_missing(z) #' @autoglobal #' @noRd show_missing <- function(df, group_vars, summary_vars = dplyr::everything()) { df |> dplyr::group_by(dplyr::pick({{ group_vars }})) |> dplyr::summarize( dplyr::across({{ summary_vars }}, \(x) sum(, .groups = "drop" ) |> dplyr::select(dplyr::where(\(x) any(x > 0))) } #' @examplesIf interactive() #' dplyr::tibble(x = 1:10, #' y = 1:10) |> #' df_types() #' @autoglobal #' @noRd df_types <- function(df) { dplyr::tibble( col_name = names(df), col_type = purrr::map_chr(df, vctrs::vec_ptype_full), n_miss = purrr::map_int(df, \(x) sum( ) } ```