andrewallenbruce / provider

Public Healthcare Provider APIs :stethoscope:
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Deprecation of functions #28

Closed andrewallenbruce closed 8 months ago

andrewallenbruce commented 8 months ago
  1. revalidation_date()
  2. revalidation_group()

```r #' Search the Medicare Revalidation Due Date List API #' #' @description Information on revalidation due dates for Medicare providers. #' Medicare Providers must validate their enrollment record every three or #' five years. CMS sets every Provider’s Revalidation due date at the end #' of a month and posts the upcoming six to seven months of due dates #' online. A due date of ‘TBD’ means that CMS has not set the due date yet. #' These lists are refreshed every two months and two months’ worth of due #' dates are appended to the list #' #' @details The Revalidation Due Date List dataset contains revalidation due #' dates for Medicare providers who are due to revalidate in the following #' six months. If a provider's due date does not fall within the ensuing #' six months, the due date is marked 'TBD'. In addition the dataset also #' includes subfiles with reassignment information for a given provider #' as well as due date listings for clinics and group practices and #' their providers. #' #' Links: #' * [Medicare Revalidation Due Date API]( #' #' *Update Frequency:* **Monthly** #' #' @param npi < *integer* > 10-digit national provider identifier #' @param enid < *character* > 15-digit provider enrollment ID #' @param first,last < *character* > Individual provider's first/last name #' @param organization < *character* > Organizational provider's legal business name #' @param state < *character* > Enrollment state #' @param enrollment_type < *integer* > Provider enrollment type: #' * `1`: Part A #' * `2`: DME #' * `3`: Non-DME Part B #' @param specialty < *character* > Enrollment specialty #' @param tidy Tidy output; default is `TRUE` #' @param na.rm < *boolean* > Remove empty rows and columns; default is `TRUE` #' #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] containing the search results. #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' revalidation_date(enid = "I20031110000070") #' revalidation_date(enid = "O20110620000324") #' revalidation_date(state = "FL", enrollment_type = 3, specialty = "General Practice") #' @autoglobal #' @noRd revalidation_date <- function(npi = NULL, enid = NULL, first = NULL, last = NULL, organization = NULL, state = NULL, enrollment_type = NULL, specialty = NULL, tidy = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE) { if (!is.null(npi)) {npi <- check_npi(npi)} if (!is.null(enid)) {check_enid(enid)} if (!is.null(enrollment_type)) { enrollment_type <- as.character(enrollment_type) rlang::arg_match(enrollment_type, as.character(1:3))} args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "National Provider Identifier", npi, "Enrollment ID", enid, "First Name", first, "Last Name", last, "Organization Name", organization, "Enrollment State Code", state, "Enrollment Type", enrollment_type, "Enrollment Specialty", specialty) response <- httr2::request(build_url("rdt", args)) |> httr2::req_perform() if (isTRUE(vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body))) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "npi", npi, "enid", enid, "first", first, "last", last, "organization", organization, "state", state, "enrollment_type", enrollment_type, "specialty", specialty) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) { results <- tidyup(results) |> dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::contains("eligible"), yn_logical), dplyr::across(dplyr::contains("date"), anytime::anydate), dplyr::across(dplyr::contains("name"), toupper)) |> rdate_cols() if (na.rm) { results <- janitor::remove_empty(results, which = c("rows", "cols"))} } return(results) } #' @param df data frame #' @autoglobal #' @noRd rdate_cols <- function(df) { cols <- c('npi' = 'national_provider_identifier', 'enid' = 'enrollment_id', 'first' = 'first_name', 'last' = 'last_name', 'organization' = 'organization_name', 'state' = 'enrollment_state_code', 'enrollment_type' = 'provider_type_text', # 'specialty' = 'enrollment_specialty', # 'due_date' = 'revalidation_due_date', # 'due_date_adj' = 'adjusted_due_date', 'reassignments' = 'individual_total_reassign_to', 'associations' = 'receiving_benefits_reassignment') df |> dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(cols)) } #' Search the Medicare Revalidation Clinic Group Practice Reassignment API #' #' @description Information on clinic group practice revalidation for Medicare #' enrollment. #' #' @details The Revalidation Clinic Group Practice Reassignment dataset #' provides information between the physician and the group practice they #' reassign their billing to. It also includes individual employer #' association counts and the revalidation dates for the individual #' physician as well as the clinic group practice. #' #' ## Links #' * [Medicare Revalidation Clinic Group Practice Reassignment API]( #' #' @source Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services #' @note Update Frequency: **Monthly** #' @param npi NPI of provider who is reassigning their benefits or is an #' employee #' @param enroll_id Enrollment ID of provider reassigning their benefits or is #' an employee #' @param first_name First name of provider who is reassigning their benefits #' or is an employee #' @param last_name Last name of provider who is reassigning their benefits or #' is an employee #' @param state Enrollment state of provider who is reassigning their #' benefits or is an employee #' @param specialty Enrollment specialty of the provider who is #' reassigning their benefits or is an employee #' @param pac_id_group PAC ID of provider who is receiving reassignment or is #' the employer. Providers enroll at the state level, so one PAC ID may be #' associated with multiple Enrollment IDs. #' @param enroll_id_group Enrollment ID of provider who is receiving #' reassignment or is the employer #' @param business_name Legal business name of provider who is receiving #' reassignment or is the employer #' @param state_group Enrollment state of provider who is receiving #' reassignment or is the employer #' @param record_type Identifies whether the record is for a reassignment #' (`Reassignment`) or employment (`Physician Assistant`) #' @param tidy Tidy output; default is `TRUE`. #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] containing the search results. #' @examplesIf interactive() #' revalidation_group(enroll_id = "I20200929003184", #' npi = 1962026229, #' first_name = "Rashadda", #' last_name = "Wong", #' state = "CT", #' specialty = "Physician Assistant") #' #' revalidation_group(pac_id_group = 9436483807, #' enroll_id_group = "O20190619002165", #' business_name = "1st Call Urgent Care", #' state_group = "FL", #' record_type = "Reassignment") #' @autoglobal #' @noRd revalidation_group <- function(npi = NULL, enroll_id = NULL, first_name = NULL, last_name = NULL, state = NULL, specialty = NULL, pac_id_group = NULL, enroll_id_group = NULL, business_name = NULL, state_group = NULL, record_type = NULL, tidy = TRUE) { if (!is.null(npi)) {check_npi(npi)} if (!is.null(enroll_id)) {check_enid(enroll_id)} if (!is.null(enroll_id_group)) {check_enid(enroll_id_group)} if (!is.null(pac_id_group)) {check_pac(pac_id_group)} args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "Individual NPI", npi, "Individual Enrollment ID", enroll_id, "Individual First Name", first_name, "Individual Last Name", last_name, "Individual State Code", state, "Individual Specialty Description", specialty, "Group PAC ID", pac_id_group, "Group Enrollment ID", enroll_id_group, "Group Legal Business Name", business_name, "Group State Code", state_group, "Record Type", record_type) url <- paste0("", cms_update("Revalidation Clinic Group Practice Reassignment", "id")$distro[1], "/data.json?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (isTRUE(vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body))) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "npi", npi, "enroll_id", enroll_id, "first_name", first_name, "last_name", last_name, "state", state, "specialty", specialty, "pac_id_group", pac_id_group, "enroll_id_group", enroll_id_group, "business_name", business_name, "state_group", state_group, "record_type", record_type) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) { results <- tidyup(results) |> dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::contains("date"), ~anytime::anydate(.)), group_pac_id = as.character(group_pac_id), individual_npi = as.character(individual_npi)) |> dplyr::select( npi = individual_npi, enroll_id_ind = individual_enrollment_id, first_name = individual_first_name, last_name = individual_last_name, enroll_state_ind = individual_state_code, enroll_specialty_ind = individual_specialty_description, ind_associations = individual_total_employer_associations, pac_id_org = group_pac_id, enroll_id_org = group_enrollment_id, business_name = group_legal_business_name, state_org = group_state_code, group_reassignments = group_reassignments_and_physician_assistants, revalidation_date_ind = individual_due_date, revalidation_date_org = group_due_date, record_type) } return(results) } ```

andrewallenbruce commented 8 months ago
  1. asc_ifed_enrollment()

```r #' Search the Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Independent Free Standing #' Emergency Departments Enrolled in Medicare As Hospital Providers #' #' @description Information on Medicare Enrolled Ambulatory Surgical Center #' (ASC) Providers and Independent Free Standing Emergency Departments #' (IFEDs) during the COVID-19 public health emergency. #' #' @details The Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) and Independent Free #' Standing Emergency Departments (IFEDs) Enrolled in Medicare As Hospital #' Providers dataset includes all Medicare enrolled Ambulatory Surgical #' Centers (ASC) that converted to Hospitals during the COVID-19 public #' health emergency. Additionally, this list includes Independent Free #' Standing Emergency Departments (IFEDs) that have been temporarily #' certified as Hospitals during the COVID-19 public health emergency. #' #' ### Links #' * [ASCs and IFEDs Enrolled in Medicare As Hospital Providers]( #' #' @param npi NPI of the Provider #' @param enroll_id Unique number assigned by PECOS to the provider #' @param enroll_state State where the provider is enrolled #' @param enroll_type Type of enrollment - ASC to Hospital OR IFED #' @param org_name Organizational name of the enrolled provider #' @param address description #' @param city City where the enrolled provider is located #' @param state State where the provider is located #' @param zip Zip code of the provider's location #' @param tidy Tidy output; default is `TRUE`. #' #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] containing the search results. #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' asc_ifed_enrollment(city = "Atlanta") #' @autoglobal #' @noRd asc_ifed_enrollment <- function(npi = NULL, enroll_id = NULL, enroll_state = NULL, enroll_type = NULL, org_name = NULL, address = NULL, city = NULL, state = NULL, zip = NULL, tidy = TRUE) { if (!is.null(npi)) {npi <- check_npi(npi)} if (!is.null(enroll_id)) {enroll_id <- check_enid(enroll_id)} args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "NPI", npi, "ENROLLMENT_ID", enroll_id, "ENROLLMENT_STATE", enroll_state, "TYPE", enroll_type, "ORGANIZATION_NAME", org_name, "LINE_1_ST_ADR", address, "CITY", city, "STATE", state, "ZIP CODE", zip) url <- paste0("", "3f37b54d-eb2d-4266-8c18-ad3ecd0bede3", "/data?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (isTRUE(vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body))) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "npi", as.character(npi), "enroll_id", as.character(enroll_id), "enroll_state", enroll_state, "enroll_type", enroll_type, "org_name", org_name, "address", address, "city", city, "state", state, "zip", zip) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) cli_args <- purrr::map2(cli_args$x, as.character(cli_args$y), stringr::str_c, sep = ": ", collapse = "") cli::cli_alert_danger("No results for {.val {cli_args}}", wrap = TRUE) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) { results <- janitor::clean_names(results) |> dplyr::tibble() |> dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.character), ~dplyr::na_if(., ""))) |> tidyr::unite("address", line_1_st_adr:line_2_st_adr, remove = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, sep = " ") |> dplyr::select(npi, enroll_id = enrollment_id, enroll_state = enrollment_state, enroll_type = type, organization_name, address, city, state, zip = zip_code) } return(results) } ```

andrewallenbruce commented 8 months ago
  1. missing_endpoints()

```r #' Providers Missing Endpoints in NPPES #' #' @description #' `missing_endpoints()` allows you to search for providers with missing #' digital contact information in NPPES. #' #' ## NPPES Endpoints #' Digital contact information, also known as [endpoints](, #' provides a secure way for health care entities to send authenticated, #' encrypted health information to trusted recipients over the internet. #' #' Health care organizations seeking to engage in electronic health information #' exchange need accurate information about the electronic addresses (e.g., #' Direct address, FHIR server URL, query endpoint, or other digital contact #' information) of potential exchange partners to facilitate this information exchange. #' #' ### Links: #' - [CMS Public Reporting of Missing Digital Contact Information API]( #' - [Endpoints Information]( #' - [Methodology & Policy]( #' #' *Update Frequency:* **Quarterly** #' #' @param npi The provider’s National Provider Identifier #' @param name Provider's full name, in the form "last, first" #' @param tidy Tidy output; default is `TRUE`. #' #' @return A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] containing the search results. #' #' @seealso [nppes()] #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' # A provider that appears in the search results #' # of the Missing Information API has no Endpoints #' # entered into the NPPES NPI Registry and vice versa. #' #' ## Appears #' missing_endpoints(name = "Clouse, John") #' #' ## No Endpoints in NPPES #' nppes(npi = 1144224569, #' tidy = FALSE) |> #' dplyr::select(endpoints) #' #' ## Does Not Appear #' missing_endpoints(npi = 1003000423) #' #' ## Has Endpoints in NPPES #' nppes(npi = 1003000423, tidy = FALSE) |> #' dplyr::select(endpoints) |> #' tidyr::unnest(cols = c(endpoints)) |> #' janitor::clean_names() |> #' dplyr::select(dplyr::contains("endpoint")) #' @autoglobal #' @noRd missing_endpoints <- function(npi = NULL, name = NULL, tidy = TRUE) { if (!is.null(npi)) {npi <- check_npi(npi)} if (!is.null(name)) {name <- stringr::str_replace(name, " ", "")} args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "NPI", npi, "Provider Name", name) response <- httr2::request(build_url("end", args)) |> httr2::req_perform() results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (isTRUE(vctrs::vec_is_empty(results))) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "npi", npi, "name", name) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } if (tidy) { results <- tidyup(results) |> tidyr::separate_wider_delim("Provider Name", ",", names = c("last_name", "first_name")) |> miss_cols() } return(results) } #' @param df data frame #' @autoglobal #' @noRd miss_cols <- function(df) { cols <- c("npi" = "NPI", "first" = "first_name", "last" = "last_name") df |> dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(cols)) } ```

andrewallenbruce commented 8 months ago
  1. cc_multiple()
  2. cc_specific()

```r #' @param year < *integer* > // **required** Calendar year of Medicare #' enrollment, in `YYYY` format. Run [cc_years()] to return a vector of #' currently available years. #' @param level < *character* > Geographic level of aggregation #' + `"national"` #' + `"state"` #' + `"county"` #' @param sublevel < *character* > Beneficiary's state or county #' @param fips < *character* > Beneficiary's state or county FIPS code #' @param age < *character* > Age group level of aggregation #' + `"All"` #' + `"<65"` #' + `"65+"` #' @param demo,subdemo < *character* > Demographic level of aggregation #' + `"All"` #' + `"Sex"` /// `"Male"` // `"Female"` #' + `"Race"` /// `"non-Hispanic White"` // `"non-Hispanic Black"` // `"Asian Pacific Islander"` // `"Hispanic"` // `"Native American"` #' + `"Dual Status"` /// `"Medicare and Medicaid"` // `"Medicare Only"` #' @param mcc < *character* > Number of chronic conditions #' + `"0-1"` #' + `"2-3"` #' + `"4-5"` #' + `"6+"` #' @param tidy < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Tidy output #' @autoglobal #' @noRd cc_multiple <- function(year, level = NULL, sublevel = NULL, fips = NULL, age = NULL, demo = NULL, subdemo = NULL, mcc = NULL, tidy = TRUE) { rlang::check_required(year) year <- as.character(year) rlang::arg_match(year, as.character(cc_years())) if (!is.null(level)) { rlang::arg_match(level, levels()) level <- stringr::str_to_title(level) } if (!is.null(age)) {rlang::arg_match(age, ages())} if (!is.null(demo)) {rlang::arg_match(demo, demo())} if (!is.null(subdemo)) {rlang::arg_match(subdemo, subdemo())} if (!is.null(mcc)) {rlang::arg_match(mcc, mcc())} if (!is.null(fips)) {fips <- as.character(fips)} if (!is.null(sublevel) && (sublevel %in% { sublevel <- abb2full(sublevel) } args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "Bene_Geo_Lvl", level, "Bene_Geo_Desc", sublevel, "Bene_Geo_Cd", fips, "Bene_Age_Lvl", age, "Bene_Demo_Lvl", demo, "Bene_Demo_Desc", subdemo, "Bene_MCC", mcc) id <- api_years("mcc") |> dplyr::filter(year == {{ year }}) |> dplyr::pull(distro) url <- paste0("", id, "/data.json?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (isTRUE(vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body))) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "year", year, "level", level, "sublevel", sublevel, "fips", fips, "age", age, "demo", demo, "subdemo", subdemo, "mcc", mcc) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) {results <- cols_cc(tidyup(results, int = c("year"), dbl = c("prvlnc", "_pc", "er_")))} return(results) } #' @param year < *integer* > // **required** Calendar year of Medicare #' enrollment, in `YYYY` format. Run [cc_years()] to return a vector of #' currently available years. #' @param level < *character* > Geographic level of aggregation: `"national"`, `"state"`, or `"county"` #' @param sublevel < *character* > Beneficiary's state or county #' @param fips < *character* > Beneficiary's state or county FIPS code #' @param age < *character* > Age level of aggregation: `"all"`, `"<65"`, or `"65+"` #' @param demo,subdemo < *character* > Demographic level of aggregation #' + __`"All"`__ #' + __`"Sex"`__: `"Male"`, `"Female"` #' + __`"Race"`__: `"non-Hispanic White"`, `"non-Hispanic Black"`, `"Asian Pacific Islander"`, `"Hispanic"`, `"Native American"` #' + __`"Dual Status"`__: `"Medicare and Medicaid"`, `"Medicare Only"` #' @param condition < *character* > Chronic condition for which the prevalence #' and utilization is compiled #' @param tidy < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Tidy output #' @autoglobal #' @noRd cc_specific <- function(year, condition = NULL, sublevel = NULL, level = NULL, fips = NULL, age = NULL, demo = NULL, subdemo = NULL, tidy = TRUE) { rlang::check_required(year) year <- as.character(year) rlang::arg_match(year, as.character(cc_years())) if (!is.null(level)) { rlang::arg_match(level, levels()) level <- stringr::str_to_title(level) } if (!is.null(age)) { rlang::arg_match(age, ages()) if (age == "all") {age <- "All"} } if (!is.null(demo)) { rlang::arg_match(demo, demo()) demo <- demo_convert(demo) } if (!is.null(subdemo)) { rlang::arg_match(subdemo, subdemo()) subdemo <- subdemo_convert(subdemo) } if (!is.null(sublevel) && (sublevel %in% { sublevel <- abb2full(sublevel) } if (!is.null(fips)) {fips <- as.character(fips)} args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "Bene_Geo_Lvl", level, "Bene_Geo_Desc", sublevel, "Bene_Geo_Cd", fips, "Bene_Age_Lvl", age, "Bene_Demo_Lvl", demo, "Bene_Demo_Desc", subdemo, "Bene_Cond", condition) id <- api_years("scc") |> dplyr::filter(year == {{ year }}) |> dplyr::pull(distro) url <- paste0("", id, "/data.json?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (isTRUE(vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body))) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "year", year, "level", level, "sublevel", sublevel, "fips", fips, "age", age, "demo", demo, "subdemo", subdemo, "condition", condition) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) {results <- cols_cc(tidyup(results, int = c("year"), dbl = c("prvlnc", "_pc", "er_")))} return(results) } ```

andrewallenbruce commented 8 months ago
  1. by_provider()
  2. by_service()
  3. by_geography()

```r #' Provider Utilization & Demographics Individual Functions #' #' @description #' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` #' #' These functions allow the user access to information on services and #' procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B #' beneficiaries by physicians and other healthcare professionals; aggregated #' by provider, service and geography. #' #' @section `by_provider()`: #' #' The **Provider** dataset allows the user access to data such as #' services and procedures performed; charges submitted and payment received; #' and beneficiary demographic and health characteristics for providers #' treating Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B beneficiaries, #' aggregated by year. #' #' @section `by_service()`: #' #' The **Provider and Service** dataset is aggregated by: #' #' 1. Rendering provider's NPI #' 2. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code #' 3. Place of Service (Facility or Non-facility) #' #' There can be multiple records for a given NPI based on the number of #' distinct HCPCS codes that were billed and where the services were #' provided. Data have been aggregated based on the place of service #' because separate fee schedules apply depending on whether the place #' of service submitted on the claim is facility or non-facility. #' #' @section `by_geography()`: #' #' The **Geography and Service** dataset contains information on utilization, #' allowed amount, Medicare payment, and submitted charges organized nationally #' and state-wide by HCPCS code and place of service. #' #' @section Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes (RUCA): #' #' + **Metro Area Core** #' + `"1"`: Primary flow within Urbanized Area (UA) #' + `"1.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to larger UA #' + **Metro Area High Commuting** #' + `"2"`: Primary flow 30% or more to UA #' + `"2.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to larger UA #' + **Metro Area Low Commuting** #' + `"3"`: Primary flow 10-30% to UA #' + **Micro Area Core** #' + `"4"`: Primary flow within large Urban Cluster (10k - 49k) #' + `"4.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to UA #' + **Micro High Commuting** #' + `"5"`: Primary flow 30% or more to large UC #' + `"5.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to UA #' + **Micro Low Commuting** #' + `"6"`: Primary flow 10-30% to large UC #' + **Small Town Core** #' + `"7"`: Primary flow within small UC (2.5k - 9.9k) #' + `"7.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to UA #' + `"7.2"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to large UC #' + **Small Town High Commuting** #' + `"8"`: Primary flow 30% or more to small UC #' + `"8.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to UA #' + `"8.2"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to large UC #' + **Small Town Low Commuting** #' + `"9"`: Primary flow 10-30% to small UC #' + **Rural Areas** #' + `"10"`: Primary flow to tract outside a UA or UC #' + `"10.1"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to UA #' + `"10.2"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to large UC #' + `"10.3"`: Secondary flow 30-50% to small UC #' + `"99"`: Zero population and no rural-urban identifier information #' #' @section Links: #' + [Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners: by Provider API]( #' + [Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners: by Provider and Service API]( #' + [Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners: by Geography and Service API]( #' #' *Update Frequency:* **Annually** #' #' @examplesIf interactive() #' by_provider(year = 2020, npi = 1003000423) #' #' by_service(year = 2019, npi = 1003000126) #' #' by_geography(year = 2020, hcpcs_code = "0002A") #' #' # Use the years helper function to retrieve results for every year: #' pop_years() |> #' map(\(x) by_provider(year = x, npi = 1043477615)) |> #' list_rbind() #' #' @returns #' `by_provider()` returns a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the columns: #' |**Field** |**Description** | #' |:----------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #' |`year` |Year data was reported | #' |`npi` |10-digit national provider identifier | #' |`entity_type` |Provider's entity/enumeration type | #' |`first` |Individual provider's first name | #' |`middle` |Individual provider's middle name | #' |`last` |Individual provider's last name/Organization's name | #' |`gender` |Individual provider's gender | #' |`credential` |Individual provider's credential | #' |`specialty` |Provider's specialty | #' |`address` |Provider's street address | #' |`city` |Provider's city | #' |`state` |Provider's state | #' |`zip` |Provider's zip code | #' |`fips` |Provider's state's FIPS code | #' |`ruca` |Provider's RUCA code | #' |`country` |Provider's country | #' |`par` |Indicates if provider participates in and/or accepts Medicare assignment | #' |`tot_hcpcs` |Total number of *unique* HCPCS codes submitted | #' |`tot_benes` |Total Medicare beneficiaries receiving services from the provider | #' |`tot_srvcs` |Total services provided to beneficiaries by the provider | #' |`tot_charges` |Total charges that the provider submitted for all services | #' |`tot_allowed` |Total allowed amount for all services; the sum of Medicare reimbursement, deductible, coinsurance, etc. | #' |`tot_payment` |Total amount Medicare paid, less any deductible and coinsurance | #' |`tot_std_pymt` |Total amount Medicare paid, standardized to account for geographic differences | #' |`hcc_risk_avg` |Average Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk score of beneficiaries | #' |`hcpcs_detailed` |Nested list columns `drug` & `medical`, offering further detail about the HCPCS codes submitted | #' |`demographics` |Nested list column containing demographic data about the beneficiaries seen by the provider | #' |`conditions` |Nested list column containing data about beneficiaries' chronic conditions | #' #' `by_service()` returns a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the columns: #' |**Field** |**Description** | #' |:----------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #' |`year` |Year data was reported | #' |`npi` |10-digit national provider identifier | #' |`level` |Data aggregation level, will always be "Provider" here | #' |`entity_type` |Provider's entity/enumeration type | #' |`first` |Individual provider's first name | #' |`middle` |Individual provider's middle name | #' |`last` |Individual provider's last name/Organization's name | #' |`gender` |Individual provider's gender | #' |`credential` |Individual provider's credential | #' |`specialty` |Provider's specialty | #' |`address` |Provider's street address | #' |`city` |Provider's city | #' |`state` |Provider's state | #' |`zip` |Provider's zip code | #' |`fips` |Provider's state's FIPS code | #' |`ruca` |Provider's RUCA code | #' |`country` |Provider's country | #' |`par` |Indicates if the provider participates in and/or accepts Medicare assignment | #' |`hcpcs_code` |HCPCS code used to identify the specific medical service furnished by the provider | #' |`hcpcs_desc` |Consumer Friendly Description of the HCPCS code | #' |`category` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Category | #' |`subcategory` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Subcategory | #' |`family` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Family | #' |`procedure` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Major Procedure Indicator | #' |`drug` |Indicates if the HCPCS code is listed in the Medicare Part B Drug Average Sales Price (ASP) File | #' |`pos` |Identifies the Place of Service (POS) submitted on the claim | #' |`tot_benes` |Distinct number of Medicare beneficiaries for each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`tot_srvcs` |Number of services provided for each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`tot_day` |Number of distinct Medicare beneficiary/per day services for each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`avg_charge` |Average charge that the provider submitted for the service | #' |`avg_allowed` |Average of the Medicare allowed amount for the service | #' |`avg_payment` |Average amount Medicare paid, less any deductible and coinsurance | #' |`avg_std_pymt` |Average amount Medicare paid, standardized to account for geographic differences | #' #' `by_geography()` returns a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the columns: #' |**Field** |**Description** | #' |:----------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #' |`year` |Year data was reported | #' |`level` |Data aggregation level, either "National" or "State" | #' |`state` |Provider's state | #' |`fips` |Provider's state's FIPS code | #' |`hcpcs_code` |HCPCS code used to identify the specific medical service furnished | #' |`hcpcs_desc` |Consumer Friendly Description of the HCPCS code | #' |`category` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Category | #' |`subcategory` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Subcategory | #' |`family` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Family | #' |`procedure` |Restructured BETOS Classification System Major Procedure Indicator | #' |`drug` |Indicates if the HCPCS code is listed in the Medicare Part B Drug Average Sales Price (ASP) File | #' |`pos` |Identifies the Place of Service (POS) submitted on the claim | #' |`tot_provs` |Number of providers that submitted each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`tot_benes` |Distinct number of Medicare beneficiaries for each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`tot_srvcs` |Number of services provided for each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`tot_day` |Number of distinct Medicare beneficiary/per day services for each HCPCS code/POS combination | #' |`avg_charge` |Average charge submitted for the service | #' |`avg_allowed` |Average of the Medicare allowed amount for the service | #' |`avg_payment` |Average amount Medicare paid, less any deductible and coinsurance | #' |`avg_std_pymt` |Average amount Medicare paid, standardized to account for geographic differences | #' #' @name by_ NULL #' @param year < *integer* > // **required** Year data was reported, in `YYYY` #' format. Run [pop_years()] to return a vector of the years currently available. #' @param npi < *integer* > 10-digit national provider identifier #' @param first,last,organization < *character* > Individual/Organizational #' provider's name #' @param credential < *character* > Individual provider's credentials #' @param gender < *character* > Individual provider's gender; `"F"` (Female), #' `"M"` (Male) #' @param entype < *character* > Provider entity type; `"I"` (Individual), #' `"O"` (Organization) #' @param city < *character* > City where provider is located #' @param state < *character* > State where provider is located #' @param fips < *character* > Provider's state's FIPS code #' @param zip < *character* > Provider’s zip code #' @param ruca < *character* > Provider’s RUCA code #' @param country < *character* > Country where provider is located #' @param specialty < *character* > Provider specialty code reported on the #' largest number of claims submitted #' @param par < *boolean* > Identifies whether the provider participates in #' Medicare and/or accepts assignment of Medicare allowed amounts #' @param tidy < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Tidy output #' @param nest < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Nest `demographics` and `conditions` #' @param detailed < *boolean* > // __default:__ `FALSE` Include `detailed` column #' @param na.rm < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Remove empty rows and columns #' @param ... description #' @rdname by_ #' @autoglobal #' @export #' @keywords internal by_provider <- function(year, npi = NULL, first = NULL, last = NULL, organization = NULL, credential = NULL, gender = NULL, entype = NULL, city = NULL, state = NULL, zip = NULL, fips = NULL, ruca = NULL, country = NULL, specialty = NULL, par = NULL, tidy = TRUE, nest = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, ...) { rlang::check_required(year) year <- as.character(year) year <- rlang::arg_match(year, as.character(pop_years())) npi <- npi %nn% validate_npi(npi) zip <- zip %nn% as.character(zip) fips <- fips %nn% as.character(fips) ruca <- ruca %nn% as.character(ruca) par <- par %nn% tf_2_yn(par) args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "Rndrng_NPI", npi, "Rndrng_Prvdr_First_Name", first, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Last_Org_Name", last, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Last_Org_Name", organization, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Crdntls", credential, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Gndr", gender, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Ent_Cd", entype, "Rndrng_Prvdr_City", city, "Rndrng_Prvdr_State_Abrvtn", state, "Rndrng_Prvdr_State_FIPS", fips, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Zip5", zip, "Rndrng_Prvdr_RUCA", ruca, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Cntry", country, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Type", specialty, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Mdcr_Prtcptg_Ind", par) id <- api_years("prv") |> dplyr::filter(year == {{ year }}) |> dplyr::pull(distro) url <- paste0("", id, "/data.json?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body)) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "year", year, "npi", npi, "first", first, "last", last, "organization", organization, "credential", credential, "gender", gender, "entype", entype, "city", city, "state", state, "fips", fips, "zip", zip, "ruca", ruca, "country", country, "specialty", specialty, "par", par) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) { results$year <- year results <- janitor::clean_names(results) |> cols_prov() |> tidyup(yn = "par", int = c("year", "_hcpcs", "bene", "_srvcs"), dbl = c("pay", "pymt", "charges", "allowed", "cc_", "hcc"), cred = "credential", ent = "entity_type", yr = 'year') |> combine(address, c('rndrng_prvdr_st1', 'rndrng_prvdr_st2')) |> dplyr::mutate(specialty = correct_specialty(specialty)) if (nest) { results <- tidyr::nest(results, demographics = dplyr::starts_with("bene_"), conditions = dplyr::starts_with("cc_")) } if (detailed) { results <- tidyr::nest(results, medical = dplyr::starts_with("med_"), drug = dplyr::starts_with("drug_")) |> tidyr::nest(results, detailed = c(medical, drug)) } else { results <- dplyr::select(results, -dplyr::starts_with("med_"), -dplyr::starts_with("drug_")) } if (na.rm) results <- narm(results) } class(results) <- c("provider_by_prov", class(results)) return(results) } #' @param df data frame #' @autoglobal #' @noRd cols_prov <- function(df) { cols <- c("year", "npi" = "rndrng_npi", "entity_type" = "rndrng_prvdr_ent_cd", "first" = "rndrng_prvdr_first_name", "middle" = "rndrng_prvdr_mi", "last" = "rndrng_prvdr_last_org_name", "gender" = "rndrng_prvdr_gndr", "credential" = "rndrng_prvdr_crdntls", "specialty" = "rndrng_prvdr_type", 'rndrng_prvdr_st1', 'rndrng_prvdr_st2', "city" = "rndrng_prvdr_city", "state" = "rndrng_prvdr_state_abrvtn", "zip" = "rndrng_prvdr_zip5", "fips" = "rndrng_prvdr_state_fips", "ruca" = "rndrng_prvdr_ruca", "country" = "rndrng_prvdr_cntry", "par" = "rndrng_prvdr_mdcr_prtcptg_ind", "tot_hcpcs" = "tot_hcpcs_cds", "tot_benes", "tot_srvcs", "tot_charges" = "tot_sbmtd_chrg", "tot_allowed" = "tot_mdcr_alowd_amt", "tot_payment" = "tot_mdcr_pymt_amt", "tot_std_pymt" = "tot_mdcr_stdzd_amt", "drug_hcpcs" = "drug_tot_hcpcs_cds", "drug_benes" = "drug_tot_benes", "drug_srvcs" = "drug_tot_srvcs", "drug_charges" = "drug_sbmtd_chrg", "drug_allowed" = "drug_mdcr_alowd_amt", "drug_payment" = "drug_mdcr_pymt_amt", "drug_std_pymt" = "drug_mdcr_stdzd_amt", "med_hcpcs" = "med_tot_hcpcs_cds", "med_benes" = "med_tot_benes", "med_srvcs" = "med_tot_srvcs", "med_charges" = "med_sbmtd_chrg", "med_allowed" = "med_mdcr_alowd_amt", "med_payment" = "med_mdcr_pymt_amt", "med_std_pymt" = "med_mdcr_stdzd_amt", "bene_age_avg" = "bene_avg_age", "bene_age_lt65" = "bene_age_lt_65_cnt", "bene_age_65_74" = "bene_age_65_74_cnt", "bene_age_75_84" = "bene_age_75_84_cnt", "bene_age_gt84" = "bene_age_gt_84_cnt", "bene_gen_female" = "bene_feml_cnt", "bene_gen_male" = "bene_male_cnt", "bene_race_wht" = "bene_race_wht_cnt", "bene_race_blk" = "bene_race_black_cnt", "bene_race_api" = "bene_race_api_cnt", "bene_race_hisp" = "bene_race_hspnc_cnt", "bene_race_nat" = "bene_race_nat_ind_cnt", "bene_race_oth" = "bene_race_othr_cnt", "bene_dual" = "bene_dual_cnt", "bene_ndual" = "bene_ndual_cnt", "cc_af" = "bene_cc_af_pct", "cc_alz" = "bene_cc_alzhmr_pct", "cc_asth" = "bene_cc_asthma_pct", "cc_canc" = "bene_cc_cncr_pct", "cc_chf" = "bene_cc_chf_pct", "cc_ckd" = "bene_cc_ckd_pct", "cc_copd" = "bene_cc_copd_pct", "cc_dep" = "bene_cc_dprssn_pct", "cc_diab" = "bene_cc_dbts_pct", "cc_hplip" = "bene_cc_hyplpdma_pct", "cc_hpten" = "bene_cc_hyprtnsn_pct", "cc_ihd" = "bene_cc_ihd_pct", "cc_opo" = "bene_cc_opo_pct", "cc_raoa" = "bene_cc_raoa_pct", "cc_sz" = "bene_cc_sz_pct", "cc_strk" = "bene_cc_strok_pct", "hcc_risk_avg" = "bene_avg_risk_scre") df |> dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(cols)) } #' @param year < *integer* > // **required** Year data was reported, in `YYYY` #' format. Run [pop_years()] to return a vector of the years currently available. #' @param npi < *integer* > 10-digit national provider identifier #' @param first,last,organization < *character* > Individual/Organizational #' provider's name #' @param credential < *character* > Individual provider's credentials #' @param gender < *character* > Individual provider's gender; `"F"` (Female), #' `"M"` (Male) #' @param entype < *character* > Provider entity type; `"I"` (Individual), #' `"O"` (Organization) #' @param city < *character* > City where provider is located #' @param state < *character* > State where provider is located #' @param fips < *character* > Provider's state FIPS code #' @param zip < *character* > Provider’s zip code #' @param ruca < *character* > Provider’s RUCA code #' @param country < *character* > Country where provider is located #' @param specialty < *character* > Provider specialty code reported on the #' largest number of claims submitted #' @param par < *boolean* > Identifies whether the provider participates in #' Medicare and/or accepts assignment of Medicare allowed amounts #' @param hcpcs_code < *character* > HCPCS code used to identify the specific #' medical service furnished by the provider #' @param drug < *boolean* > Identifies whether the HCPCS code is listed in the #' Medicare Part B Drug Average Sales Price (ASP) File #' @param pos < *character* > Identifies whether the Place of Service (POS) #' submitted on the claims is a: #' + Facility (`"F"`): Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, etc. #' + Non-facility (`"O"`): Office, Home, etc. #' @param tidy < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Tidy output #' @param rbcs < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Add Restructured BETOS #' Classifications to HCPCS codes #' @param na.rm < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Remove empty rows and columns #' @param ... description #' @rdname by_ #' @autoglobal #' @export #' @keywords internal by_service <- function(year, npi = NULL, first = NULL, last = NULL, organization = NULL, credential = NULL, gender = NULL, entype = NULL, city = NULL, state = NULL, zip = NULL, fips = NULL, ruca = NULL, country = NULL, specialty = NULL, par = NULL, hcpcs_code = NULL, drug = NULL, pos = NULL, tidy = TRUE, rbcs = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, ...) { rlang::check_required(year) year <- as.character(year) rlang::arg_match(year, as.character(pop_years())) npi <- npi %nn% validate_npi(npi) zip <- zip %nn% as.character(zip) fips <- fips %nn% as.character(fips) ruca <- ruca %nn% as.character(ruca) par <- par %nn% tf_2_yn(par) hcpcs_code <- hcpcs_code %nn% as.character(hcpcs_code) drug <- drug %nn% tf_2_yn(drug) pos <- pos %nn% pos_char(pos) args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "Rndrng_NPI", npi, "Rndrng_Prvdr_First_Name", first, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Last_Org_Name", last, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Last_Org_Name", organization, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Crdntls", credential, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Gndr", gender, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Ent_Cd", entype, "Rndrng_Prvdr_City", city, "Rndrng_Prvdr_State_Abrvtn", state, "Rndrng_Prvdr_State_FIPS", fips, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Zip5", zip, "Rndrng_Prvdr_RUCA", ruca, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Cntry", country, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Type", specialty, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Mdcr_Prtcptg_Ind", par, "HCPCS_Cd", hcpcs_code, "HCPCS_Drug_Ind", drug, "Place_Of_Srvc", pos) id <- api_years("srv") |> dplyr::filter(year == {{ year }}) |> dplyr::pull(distro) url <- paste0("", id, "/data.json?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body)) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "year", year, "npi", npi, "first", first, "last", last, "organization", organization, "credential", credential, "gender", gender, "entype", entype, "city", city, "state", state, "fips", fips, "zip", zip, "ruca", ruca, "country", country, "specialty", specialty, "par", par, "hcpcs_code", hcpcs_code, "drug", drug, "pos", pos) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) { results$year <- year results$level <- "Provider" results <- tidyup(results, yn = "_ind", int = c("year", "tot_"), dbl = "avg_", yr = 'year') |> combine(address, c('rndrng_prvdr_st1', 'rndrng_prvdr_st2')) |> cols_serv() |> dplyr::mutate(specialty = correct_specialty(specialty)) if (rbcs) results <- rbcs_util(results) if (na.rm) results <- narm(results) } class(results) <- c("provider_by_serv", class(results)) return(results) } #' @param df data frame #' @autoglobal #' @noRd cols_serv <- function(df) { cols <- c('year', 'npi' = 'rndrng_npi', 'level', 'entity_type' = 'rndrng_prvdr_ent_cd', 'first' = 'rndrng_prvdr_first_name', 'middle' = 'rndrng_prvdr_mi', 'last' = 'rndrng_prvdr_last_org_name', 'gender' = 'rndrng_prvdr_gndr', 'credential' = 'rndrng_prvdr_crdntls', 'specialty' = 'rndrng_prvdr_type', 'address', 'city' = 'rndrng_prvdr_city', 'state' = 'rndrng_prvdr_state_abrvtn', 'zip' = 'rndrng_prvdr_zip5', 'fips' = 'rndrng_prvdr_state_fips', 'ruca' = 'rndrng_prvdr_ruca', # 'ruca_desc' = 'rndrng_prvdr_ruca_desc', 'country' = 'rndrng_prvdr_cntry', 'par' = 'rndrng_prvdr_mdcr_prtcptg_ind', 'hcpcs_code' = 'hcpcs_cd', 'hcpcs_desc', 'category', 'subcategory', 'family', 'procedure', 'drug' = 'hcpcs_drug_ind', 'pos' = 'place_of_srvc', 'tot_benes', 'tot_srvcs', 'tot_day' = 'tot_bene_day_srvcs', 'avg_charge' = 'avg_sbmtd_chrg', 'avg_allowed' = 'avg_mdcr_alowd_amt', 'avg_payment' = 'avg_mdcr_pymt_amt', 'avg_std_pymt' = 'avg_mdcr_stdzd_amt') df |> dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(cols)) } #' @param df data frame #' @autoglobal #' @noRd cols_rbcs <- function(df) { cols <- c('year', 'npi', 'level', 'entype', 'first', 'middle', 'last', 'gender', 'credential', 'specialty', 'address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'fips', 'ruca', 'country', 'par', 'hcpcs', 'hcpcs_desc', 'category', 'subcategory', 'family', 'procedure', 'drug', 'pos', 'tot_provs', 'tot_benes', 'tot_srvcs', 'tot_day', 'avg_charge', 'avg_allowed', 'avg_payment', 'avg_std_pymt') df |> dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(cols)) } #' @param year < *integer* > // **required** Year data was reported, in `YYYY` #' format. Run [pop_years()] to return a vector of the years currently available. #' @param level < *character* > Geographic level by which the data will be #' aggregated: #' + `"State"`: Data is aggregated for each state #' + `National`: Data is aggregated across all states for a given HCPCS Code #' @param state < *character* > State where provider is located #' @param fips < *character* > Provider's state FIPS code #' @param hcpcs_code < *character* > HCPCS code used to identify the specific #' medical service furnished by the provider #' @param drug < *boolean* > Identifies whether the HCPCS code is listed in the #' Medicare Part B Drug Average Sales Price (ASP) File #' @param pos < *character* > Identifies whether the Place of Service (POS) #' submitted on the claims is a: #' + Facility (`"F"`): Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, etc. #' + Non-facility (`"O"`): Office, Home, etc. #' @param tidy < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Tidy output #' @param rbcs < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Add Restructured BETOS #' Classifications to HCPCS codes #' @param na.rm < *boolean* > // __default:__ `TRUE` Remove empty rows and columns #' @param ... description #' @rdname by_ #' @autoglobal #' @export #' @keywords internal by_geography <- function(year, state = NULL, hcpcs_code = NULL, pos = NULL, level = NULL, fips = NULL, drug = NULL, tidy = TRUE, rbcs = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, ...) { rlang::check_required(year) year <- as.character(year) rlang::arg_match(year, as.character(pop_years())) level <- level %nn% rlang::arg_match(level, c("National", "State")) fips <- fips %nn% as.character(fips) hcpcs_code <- hcpcs_code %nn% as.character(hcpcs_code) drug <- drug %nn% tf_2_yn(drug) if (!is.null(pos)) { pos <- pos_char(pos) rlang::arg_match(pos, c("F", "O")) } if (!is.null(state) && (state %in% state <- abb2full(state) args <- dplyr::tribble( ~param, ~arg, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Geo_Lvl", level, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Geo_Desc", state, "Rndrng_Prvdr_Geo_Cd", fips, "HCPCS_Cd", hcpcs_code, "HCPCS_Drug_Ind", drug, "Place_Of_Srvc", pos) id <- api_years("geo") |> dplyr::filter(year == {{ year }}) |> dplyr::pull(distro) url <- paste0("", id, "/data.json?", encode_param(args)) response <- httr2::request(url) |> httr2::req_perform() if (vctrs::vec_is_empty(response$body)) { cli_args <- dplyr::tribble( ~x, ~y, "year", year, "level", level, "state", state, "fips", fips, "hcpcs_code", hcpcs_code, "drug", drug, "pos", pos) |> tidyr::unnest(cols = c(y)) format_cli(cli_args) return(invisible(NULL)) } results <- httr2::resp_body_json(response, simplifyVector = TRUE) if (tidy) { results$year <- year results <- tidyup(results, yn = "_ind", int = c("year", "tot_"), dbl = "avg_", yr = 'year') |> dplyr::mutate(place_of_srvc = pos_char(place_of_srvc)) |> cols_geo() if (rbcs) results <- rbcs_util(results) if (na.rm) results <- narm(results) } class(results) <- c("provider_by_geo", class(results)) return(results) } #' @param df data frame #' @autoglobal #' @noRd cols_geo <- function(df) { cols <- c("year", "level" = "rndrng_prvdr_geo_lvl", "state" = "rndrng_prvdr_geo_desc", "fips" = "rndrng_prvdr_geo_cd", "hcpcs_code" = "hcpcs_cd", "hcpcs_desc", "drug" = "hcpcs_drug_ind", "pos" = "place_of_srvc", "tot_provs" = "tot_rndrng_prvdrs", "tot_benes", "tot_srvcs", "tot_day" = "tot_bene_day_srvcs", "avg_charge" = "avg_sbmtd_chrg", "avg_allowed" = "avg_mdcr_alowd_amt", "avg_payment" = "avg_mdcr_pymt_amt", "avg_std_pymt" = "avg_mdcr_stdzd_amt") df |> dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(cols)) } ```