andrewallenbruce / provider

Public Healthcare Provider APIs :stethoscope:
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Metadata: [affiliations] #63

Closed andrewallenbruce closed 3 months ago

andrewallenbruce commented 7 months ago

Dataset: Facility Affiliation Data

andrewallenbruce commented 7 months ago
library(provider) = 'affiliations')
#> $function_name
#> [1] "[ affiliations ]"
#> $title
#> [1] "Facility Affiliation Data"
#> $description
#> [1] "This is the facility affiliations data publicly reported in the Provider Data Catalog."
#> $publisher
#> [1] "Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)"
#> $uuid
#> [1] "27ea-46a8"
#> $distribution
#> [1] "78125945-ea51-5ee0-b3f1-5f46292467b1"
#> $date_issued
#> [1] "2023-08-17"
#> $date_modified
#> [1] "2023-11-02"
#> $date_released
#> [1] "2023-11-16"
#> $period
#> [1] "20d 0H 0M 0S"
#> $timelength_days
#> [1] 20
#> $dimensions
#> [1] "10 columns x 1,563,152 rows"
#> $fields
#>  [1] "record_number"                             
#>  [2] "npi"                                       
#>  [3] "ind_pac_id"                                
#>  [4] "provider_last_name"                        
#>  [5] "provider_first_name"                       
#>  [6] "provider_middle_name"                      
#>  [7] "suff"                                      
#>  [8] "facility_type"                             
#>  [9] "facility_affiliations_certification_number"
#> [10] "facility_type_certification_number"        
#> $landing_page
#> [1] ""
#> $data_dictionary
#> [1] ""

Created on 2023-12-06 with reprex v2.0.2