andrewauclair / ModernDocking

Modern docking framework for Java Swing
MIT License
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Persistence with custom properties #113

Open andrewauclair opened 8 months ago

andrewauclair commented 8 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **tlf30** October 18, 2023 Hello, With the old persistence system, I was saving custom properties that were not directly tied to fields in the code. Is there a way to accomplish this with the new system without creating a field for each property? Also, I am running into an unsupported property type exception, I think it is on a boolean type. Could you please add booleans and make the exception more descriptive? Currently the exception does not have any information to identify what property is the issue. Thanks, Trevor
andrewauclair commented 8 months ago

The static functions have been implemented in the 0.10-SNAPSHOT release.