andrewauclair / ModernDocking

Modern docking framework for Java Swing
MIT License
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Bad Flicking on Linux Gnome #218

Open andrewauclair opened 1 month ago

andrewauclair commented 1 month ago

Looks like the overlays flicker on and off really bad when dragging a window in Gnome on Arch.

andrewauclair commented 1 month ago

Played around with this for a while and reducing the number of repaint helps. I'm wondering if it's because I'm on an old laptop with integrated graphics. I'm sure that doesn't help.

andrewauclair commented 1 month ago

This will be fixed with the overlay refactor and was finally achieved by using a BufferStrategy instead of manually repainting the JFrame.

This didn't work out in the end. Need to test on a archlinux machine with an actual graphics card.