andrewbanchich / shreddit

Delete your Reddit data.
MIT License
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Can't run #53

Closed avtron closed 1 year ago

avtron commented 1 year ago

Whenever I install from cargo, I get the following errors.

error: could not compilefutures-coredue to previous error error: failed to compileshreddit v0.7.2, intermediate artifacts can be found at/var/folders/nx/g122dr4d6bxgj6d770v8rtsw0000gn/T/cargo-installRHLeIz``

I also can't install from the file:

zsh: permission denied: ./shreddit

And if I try with sudo:

sudo: ./shreddit: command not found

I'm on macOS

andrewbanchich commented 1 year ago

Try downloading the binary for the GitHub Releases section and running ./shreddit.

avtron commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I just tried that, it's still not working.

andrewbanchich commented 1 year ago

What error message do you get when trying to run the binary directly?

avtron commented 1 year ago

zsh: permission denied: ./shreddit

andrewbanchich commented 1 year ago

When you download the binary, it should be called shreddit-mac. Is shreddit just the directory and not the binary?

avtron commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I renamed the file.

Though now I get zsh: no such file or directory: ./shreddit.

andrewbanchich commented 1 year ago

Are you running that command in the same directory as the binary? Does ls show there is a file called shreddit?

avtron commented 1 year ago

It shows a file called shreddit-mac, which is the binary I downloaded.

andrewbanchich commented 1 year ago

If the binary is called shreddit-mac then you need to run ./shreddit-mac.

avtron commented 1 year ago

Tried that - am getting this: zsh: permission denied: ./shreddit-mac

andrewbanchich commented 1 year ago

Try chmod +x shreddit-mac first.

avtron commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much, it's working now!