andrewcsmith / bela-sys

Rust bindings to the Bela microcontroller C API
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bash: /root/hello: Permission denied #4

Open chaosprint opened 2 years ago

chaosprint commented 2 years ago

I am testing the hello example on Windows 10.

The compiling was successful. But when I tried to run the hello example on Bela I got the following error:

PS C:\Users\chaosprint> ssh root@bela.local "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/Bela/lib /root/hello"
bash: /root/hello: Permission denied

I have tried to ssh into the board and run the example. The tone is from padenot's bela-sys crate and compiled on a Mac. I can get sound from the tone. But the hello still reported the same error

PS C:\Users\chaosprint> ssh root@bela.local
root@bela:~# ls
Bela  hello  tone
root@bela:~# ./tone
root@bela:~# ./hello
-bash: ./hello: Permission denied

Any idea on what to check?

l0calh05t commented 1 year ago

Check hello's permissions using ls -l? Potentially, the file didn't get the execution flag set, so it may be -rw-r--r-- instead of the -rwx-r-xr-x it should be