andrewelkins / Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site

Laravel 4 Starter Site is a basic blog application using several nice community packages.
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Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException #395

Closed Gittinhub closed 9 years ago

Gittinhub commented 9 years ago

After installing, http://localhost:8000/public Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException At: Starter-Site-master/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php line 909 if ($code == 404) { throw new NotFoundHttpException($message); } Running php >5.5, apache 2.4 and mod_rewrite is ON.

Gittinhub commented 9 years ago

I see that many scripts i try for some reason linux is dening opening files. Yes SELinux is disabled and i can't imagine what could be done more cause i am using a normal user to run the ./artisan serve command in its directory on a terminal window of my Fedora 20 linux and the browser on the same X session with the same user. What more could it be blocking php to open files. Any idea on how to solve this?

andrewelkins commented 9 years ago

Have you tried install the laravel skeleton? This seems like a setup issue not one directly related to this project.

Gittinhub commented 9 years ago

Ok. How can i check that? Laravel does not INSTALL itself as i am seeing. Laravel is a project creator software. As i understood, after installing composer globally, by typing "composer install --dev" on the root of your unziped master, composer will install all the needed packages including laravel into the directory of your project, so laravel(the command line) is not needed at this time. Laravel seems to be need IF you will create a complete NEW BLANK project, if you gonna start from zero, what is not this case. I did "composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" and it did install it somewhere on my windows & Linux systems, but it is needed???? If it is, what is the procedures to install it???? I yes did "composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" in windows and linux and could in linux call "laravel" command. In windows 7 i could create a new blank project by typing "composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name" as described in "" and it did create a new project. Please, stay with me. I need laravel a lot but i don't know how to install it right. Why did you say "cd laravel" on your install instructions? Where this directory is supposed to be on windows or linux???

andrewelkins commented 9 years ago

Read through the documentation for laravel, Follow those steps.

Gittinhub commented 9 years ago

I tried, it does not work. Why did you say "cd laravel" in your instructions? I searched my linux and found "/root/.composer/vendor/laravel" what i am guessing you said it is this, but placing you there will unzip a new directory and calling "composer install --dev" there will not install cause it does not have the composer.json. Can i unzip your anywhere, can i ? or it must be under the "/root/.composer/vendor/laravel"

baopham commented 9 years ago

@Gittinhub you can clone the repo (or unzip the anywhere. You need to properly install laravel first by following the instruction on the Then put this repo anywhere, cd into the folder where it has composer.json, and run composer install --dev, etc. Basically, follow the README instructions closely: setup database, config settings, etc.

Then run php artisan serve and open localhost:8000

However, I think you should start with small step first, by following the instructions on Run a barebone laravel app first, like andrewelkins said. When you get that working and get yourself familiar with laravel, you can continue with this.

Gittinhub commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your reply but i don't understand why you are telling me to install laravel since laravel does not exists!!!! Laravel is a project creator software. You did creat the project, now all i have to do is install Composer globally and "composer install --dev" on your root directory. BUT of course i listened you and did again "composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" and composer installs on the user/.composer/ directory. I did put a link in usr/local/bin to laravel and CAN call laravel anywhere. Can you please explain why is it needed? Laravel does not exist, the need is for composer global and it is there. When calling "composer install --dev" in the root of your uncomporessed, it will download the laravel packages to the subfolders of it. I think that my systems(Fedora 17, Fedora 20 And Windows) CANNOT open the files needed. I don't know why cause i did 777 to all files and "runned php artisan serve" with the root. I though the problem was the path, then i setted it manually but the error persists. I don't know what to do.

baopham commented 9 years ago

no i mean you should try with a plain laravel project first and start from there. The issue you're having does not seem to be related to this project.

andrewelkins commented 9 years ago

@Gittinhub what baopham and I are trying to get you to do first is do a basic install of Laravel. Did you do exactly what is stated in the link I posted earlier?

This will get you setup with a blank laravel install. The issues you're having appear to be installation in general, not specific to this project.

Gittinhub commented 9 years ago

This is because we are using environments and copying ALL files from /app/config to /app/config/local We must change /app/config/local/view.php accordingly. Change paths to 'paths' => array(DIR.'/../../views'). Note the 2 double points "/../../" change from the original 1 double point "../" in the view.php.