andrewheiss / SublimeStataEnhanced

Plugin that adds support for Stata 11–15 for Sublime Text 2 and 3
56 stars 22 forks source link

Possibility of an Ubuntu version? #51

Closed sadatnfs closed 6 years ago

sadatnfs commented 7 years ago

Would be awesome if we could pass codes into an xstata window running in Ubuntu!

sadatnfs commented 7 years ago


andrewheiss commented 7 years ago

I don't have access to Stata on Linux, so I can't do any development on this. As long as Stata has a way to pass commands to the main window on Linux (similar to the AppleScript API on OS X and the Visual Basic script this package uses for Windows), it should be possible.

kylebarron commented 7 years ago

I've written scripts for Linux that use the Autokey automation utility to run your code in a GUI session of Stata. You should only have to change the word "Atom" to "Sublime" in two places for it to work in Sublime Text. Then a simple ctrl-r should run your selection in Stata.