andrewiggins / tachometer-reporter-action

Report the results of Polymer/tachometer in a comment for PRs
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Consider alternate icons #16

Open andrewiggins opened 3 years ago

andrewiggins commented 3 years ago

For running:

For unsure result:

kevinpschaaf commented 3 years ago

Going with straight colors might be nice:

🟢 : Faster ⚪️ : Unsure 🔴 : Slower

And this makes sense I think: ⏳ : Running

andrewiggins commented 3 years ago

Ooo that is clean. Yea, I'm not a fan of the current 🔍 icon for unsure as it seems to imply there is some "inspecting" action I should take when in reality, most commits will likely not meaningfully impact perf. ⚪ seems to better fade blend in allow the faster or slower results to draw more attention.

cc: @developit, @marvinhagemeister As the other two big users of these results, thoughts here?

marvinhagemeister commented 3 years ago

I'd prefer icons with a distinct contour compared to color bubbles. Otherwise people with a red/green eyesight issue won't be able to differentiate the two.

andrewiggins commented 3 years ago

I think I'm settling on the following updates. I like the ❔ cuz it blends it a little better with text being only black and white but is also a unique contour so we don't only rely on color to communicate info. Could also use ⚪ since the others remain ❌ and ✔ but I think I'm leaning to the question mark.

Running status: ⏳ instead of ⏱ Unsure result: ❔ instead of 🔍

marvinhagemeister commented 3 years ago

Sounds good to me!

rschristian commented 1 week ago

Hopping in a few years late to say icons that can be colored might be preferable to emojis as their color is entirely platform-dependent; the "heavy check", for example, is grey on iOS and on my Linux setup, where as on Android I've heard it's red?


Super minor of course, just would be a nice-to-have.