andrewjfreyer / monitor

Distributed advertisement-based BTLE presence detection reported via mqtt
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Install/Setup process for Pi Zero W with latest 32bit lite Pi OS #425

Open labasu-helpme-ronda opened 1 year ago

labasu-helpme-ronda commented 1 year ago

I just built a number of these monitoring devices and ran into some trouble with setting up mosquitto. Thanks to another user that posted a fix here in Issues, I was able to get my install process down without any errors. Below is my step by step instructions. Hope this helps someone!

newest version of pi os lite 32 bit from pi imager

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y sudo reboot

sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth

sudo reboot

get repo key


add repo

sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key

download appropriate lists file

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo wget

update caches and install

sudo apt-cache search mosquitto sudo apt-get update sudo apt install mosquitto libwebsockets18=4.2.1-0mosquitto1~buster1 sudo apt-get install -f libmosquitto-dev mosquitto mosquitto-clients libmosquitto1

install git

cd ~ sudo apt-get install git

clone this repo

git clone

enter monitor directory

cd monitor/

(optional) switch to beta branch for latest updates and features (may be unstable)

git checkout beta

sudo apt-get install bluez-hcidump sudo apt-get install bc sudo bash

sudo nano mqtt_preferences

sudo nano known_static_addresses

sudo bash

sudo nano behavior_preferences

urnlahzer commented 4 months ago

Did you not use a 64 bit because of MQTT compatibility? I have to run 64 for another service on the Pi (open wake word).

labasu-helpme-ronda commented 6 days ago

I am using Pi Zero W's for this project which is only 32bit.