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Week 06 Day 1 - Party Like it's 1989! #20

Closed ambethia closed 5 years ago

ambethia commented 5 years ago

It's 1989. The Internet has just come online and Tim Berners-Lee is going to invent the World Wide Web. The Cold War is ending, and the Berlin Wall will be coming down. It's also going to be a great year for film. In this assignment, you're going to build a small webpage that showcases some of the most popular movies of 1989.

The data for this assignment comes from The Movie DB API, but you won't need this API unless you're attacking Epic Mode.

Download and use this JSON file as your data source. Take a look a the structure of the data. It contains an array of objects that look like this:

  "vote_count": 4300,
  "id": 89,
  "video": false,
  "vote_average": 7.7,
  "title": "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade",
  "popularity": 18.43,
  "poster_path": "/4p1N2Qrt8j0H8xMHMHvtRxv9weZ.jpg",
  "original_language": "en",
  "original_title": "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade",
  "genre_ids": [12, 28],
  "backdrop_path": "/vfvVuu1JdnEGcyZUj7VHrhhbeMj.jpg",
  "adult": false,
    "When Dr. Henry Jones Sr. suddenly goes missing while pursuing the Holy Grail, eminent archaeologist Indiana must team up with Marcus Brody, Sallah and Elsa Schneider to follow in his father's footsteps and stop the Nazis from recovering the power of eternal life.",
  "release_date": "1989-05-24"

You'll notice that the poster images are just the file names. You can get the full URL to a poster by concatenating the path with the following base URL:

In this case:



You do not need to use the API for this assignment; you should use the supplied JSON file (see above).

Explorer Mode

Adventure Mode

Epic Mode

This is the API end-point that supplied the data file for this project:

NOTE: You'll need to sign up for your own API key first.

Additional Resources

andrewjlanza commented 5 years ago

Some questions on styling. I could not make the styled components work. HELP!

ambethia commented 5 years ago

I think you might have forgotten to push your last commit(s) to Github.

gstark commented 5 years ago

Your homework was marked: Meets Expectations

Great job!

“Great job!” — via Jason L Perry