andrewjstone / measure

Simple measuring of your javascript operations for node.js
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npmjs namespace measure #2

Open gajus opened 1 month ago

gajus commented 1 month ago

Hey Andrew,

Very random, but could I possibly takeover the "measure" npm namespace?

I want to open-source tooling that we built in my company for measuring how long it takes to execute different code paths. It is a clever abstraction that we've learned to love and want to share with the world.

You can see my previous open-source work at

My npmjs username is "gajus"

Would appreciate it!

Thank you

andrewjstone commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @gajus,

I think that sounds like a great idea! I'm always for open sourcing new things. I haven't written JS professionally in at least a decade and it looks like there are no recent dependents on measure.

Just let me know what I need to do to hand it over.

Best, Andrew

gajus commented 4 weeks ago

If you have npm client locally, then the easiest way to do it is just:

npm owner add gajus measure

If not, then "Invite maintainer" (I am almost sure that's the same).

Thank you!

andrewjstone commented 4 weeks ago

If you have npm client locally, then the easiest way to do it is just:

npm owner add gajus measure

If not, then "Invite maintainer" (I am almost sure that's the same).

Thank you!


gajus commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you