Open Hosemans opened 1 year ago
Hi, I can see the value in adding extra sensors for some of these... for people who have them!
Unfortunately I don't have external temperature sensor myself, or any zoning.
The dampers, I would assume they're controlled automatically by the zone control? When would you want to separately see their state?
With the faults... do you really get faults often enough there's value having them in ha?
Regardless, these would all need to be separate entities to the current climate one. I've been wanting to look into how to make this integration act as a device, with the climate entity. If I figure that out, and how to share the underlying driver with multiple sensors, I'll look at adding some of these at the same time.
With the current version of this integration installed, you can configure it to enable debug logging. You may have this already for the json you posted? At startup there should be a different json dump of the system information, this includes information about what's installed - it would be needed to determine what sensors should be enabled.
Hi -
I would also love to see some additional values published - at the very least the external temperature. If you add the value to the attributes of the climate entity, then they can be accessed by creating template sensors. E.g.:
- sensor:
- name: "Magiqtouch Current Temperature"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
state: "{{state_attr('climate.magiqtouch','current_temperature')}}"
state_class: measurement
device_class: temperature
unique_id: magiqtouch_current_temp
This grabs the current temperature and publishes it as a sensor so it can be used in dashboards, etc. I do this for other climate entities that have humidity attributes too.
This way you still only have a single entity published by the integration, but we can access the attributes and do our own thing with them.
I might have a go at improving this to see the additional values I am after.
Is there anyway to do a similar thing to get an on/off entity enabled for the use in automations?
I don't have any time to look at this myself but I'm certainly open to merge requests!
I don't have any time to look at this myself but I'm certainly open to merge requests!
Happy to do a merge request. Just need to figure out how to do it first.
Is it possible to add the ability to see more vaules in HA. For example the external temperature. This would allow me to switch off the cooling and run in fan only mode if a cool change has come through an the outside temperature is below the set point. Some other information would also be nice to have such as faults and damper status. These could be additional entities if they don't fit under the climate entitie.
Below is what my system shows, I have a heater with 2 dampers to create 3 zones and seperatly evap with external temp sensor on the one controller. The heater and evap use different sets of ducts.
"SystemOn": 1, "MacAddressId": "xxx", "DateKey": 20230101, "TimeKey": 551, "TimeRunning": "2023-01-01 09:11:33.000", "CoolerType": 0, "TouchCount": 10, "ExternalTemp": 33, "InternalTemp": 24, "EvapCRunning": 1, "FanOrTempControl": 1, "PumpStatus": 1, "CFanOnlyOrCool": 0, "NightQuietMode": 0, "PumpOffExternalAirSensor": 1, "DrainExternalSensor": 0, "ManualDrain": 0, "PadFlush": 0, "AutoClean": 0, "DrainDry": 0, "FaultCodePresent": 0, "CFanSpeed": 10, "CTemp": 23, "HumidityActualValue": 0, "Fault": 0, "BasicFault": 0, "Spanner": 0, "HRunning": 0, "HFanOnly": 0, "HFanSpeed": 0, "HActualFanSpeed": 0, "HActualGasRate": 0, "HSetGasRate": 3, "HTemp": 23, "HActualGasRateVariable": 0, "ThermistorTemperature": 37, "HNewFault": 0, "FlameSenseVoltage": 1, "FAOCRunning": 0, "FAOCActualCompressorON": 0, "FAOCTemp": 23, "IAOCRunning": 0, "IAOCCompressorON": 0, "IAOCSetTemp": 23, "IAOCActualTemp": 0, "ProgramMode": 0, "ProgramModeOverridden": 0, "UpdateMicroProcessor": 0, "UpdateWiFiModule": 0, "ClearSoftwareUpdate": 0, "LoggingFrequency": 0, "EnableLiveStreaming": 0, "UpdateInPogress": 0, "UpdateCompleted": 1, "UpdateFailed": 0, "SignalStrength": 39, "OnOffZone1": 1, "DamperOnOffZone1": 1, "ProgramModeZone1": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone1": 0, "SetTempZone1": 23, "ActualTempZone1": 24, "OnOffZone2": 0, "DamperOnOffZone2": 0, "ProgramModeZone2": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone2": 0, "SetTempZone2": 0, "ActualTempZone2": 0, "OnOffZone3": 0, "DamperOnOffZone3": 0, "ProgramModeZone3": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone3": 0, "SetTempZone3": 0, "ActualTempZone3": 0, "OnOffZone4": 0, "DamperOnOffZone4": 0, "ProgramModeZone4": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone4": 0, "SetTempZone4": 0, "ActualTempZone4": 0, "OnOffZone5": 0, "DamperOnOffZone5": 0, "ProgramModeZone5": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone5": 0, "SetTempZone5": 0, "ActualTempZone5": 0, "OnOffZone6": 0, "DamperOnOffZone6": 0, "ProgramModeZone6": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone6": 0, "SetTempZone6": 0, "ActualTempZone6": 0, "OnOffZone7": 0, "DamperOnOffZone7": 0, "ProgramModeZone7": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone7": 0, "SetTempZone7": 0, "ActualTempZone7": 0, "OnOffZone8": 0, "DamperOnOffZone8": 0, "ProgramModeZone8": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone8": 0, "SetTempZone8": 0, "ActualTempZone8": 0, "OnOffZone9": 0, "DamperOnOffZone9": 0, "ProgramModeZone9": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone9": 0, "SetTempZone9": 0, "ActualTempZone9": 0, "OnOffZone10": 0, "DamperOnOffZone10": 0, "ProgramModeZone10": 0, "ProgramModeOverriddenZone10": 0, "SetTempZone10": 0, "ActualTempZone10": 0