andrewleech / ha_magiqtouch

Home Assistant (HACS) integration to control Seeley MagiQtouch heating and cooling units.
MIT License
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Minor Bug: Converting from C to F by default #25

Open furrycoat21 opened 1 month ago

furrycoat21 commented 1 month ago

If your thermostat is set to Fahrenheit, and HomeAssistant is set to Fahrenheit; The sensor will take the temperature from the Thermostat as Celsius and then the UI will convert it to Fahrenheit. This results in the temperature showing absurdly high.

The easy fix is to switch the Thermostat to Celsius.

However I think the code itself could be changed to not default as celsius

I'd make a PR to help out, but to be honest I am not that great at coding. Just wanted to bring this up in case it happens to someone else :)

e-pilot commented 4 weeks ago

Been wondering what the heck was causing that, thanks for the tip

andrewleech commented 4 weeks ago

Oh yeah, thanks for the report. I'd wondered a bit myself what would happen if anyone wanted to use farenheit - it's not overly relevant down here in Australia :-D Shame it doesn't "just work" but not too surprising really.

The fix would involve reading from the magiqtouch whether it's set to C or F, but I don't know what that looks like! If you could change the config on the integration to turn on basic logging (like shown here then in the system logs there should be a couple of entries for magiqtouch with json dumps of the settings for your install. If you can copy them here I might be able to fix the issues.

furrycoat21 commented 1 week ago

Of course! Apologies for the long response. Lost track of time getting this for you.

2024-07-06 14:53:40.423 WARNING (MainThread) [magiqtouch] Current System State: {"ACZones": {"Manual": true, "SlaveWallControls": false, "Zones": []}, "AOCFixed": {"InSystem": false, "MaximumTemperature": 70, "MinimumTemperature": 60}, "AOCInverter": {"MaximumTemperature": 70, "MinimumTemperature": 60, "InSystem": false}, "Cabinets": [{"CabinetSerialNo": 1132692, "CoolerCabinetSoftRev": "98R1120", "ElectronicsSerialNo": " ", "ModelNumber": "TBQI 5500"}], "EVAPCooler": {"Brands": 0, "HumidityControl": false, "MaximumTemperature": 70, "MinimumTemperature": 60, "TemperatureUnits": 1}, "WallController": {"Firmware": "44R0920", "Type": 0}, "Heater": {"InSystem": false, "FixedFan": false, "Brands": 0, "DataTableVersion": "D0.0", "ICSSoftwareRev": "D0.0", "MaxSetFanSpeed": 10, "MaximumTemperature": 100, "MinimumTemperature": 32, "ModelNo": "WIFISC", "SerialNo": 0}, "MasterAirSensorPresent": false, "SlaveWallControls": 0, "NoOfZoneControls": 0, "System": {"configuration": 0, "cooler": {"available": true, "fanFixed": false}, "heater": {"available": false, "fanFixed": false}, "fan": {"available": true, "fanFixed": false}, "Address": "<redacted>", "Name": "My Home"}, "Wifi_Module": {"MacAddressId": "<redacted>", "version": "1.9", "type": "WI-FI IoT Device"}, "ExternalAirSensorPresent": true, "DamperDelayModulePresent": false, "BMSS1": false, "BMSMS1": false, "ZoneAirSensors": 0} 2024-07-06 14:53:40.423 INFO (MainThread) [magiqtouch] Logged in

Then just in case its useful, here's the full log. home-assistant_2024-07-06T20-55-53.095Z.log