andrewminer / crafting-guide

The ultimate step-by-step guide to make anything in Minecraft
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Thaumcraft +22 #143

Open andrewminer opened 8 years ago

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

Minecraft Forum Post

whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

Is there any support for recipes which require more than nine items?

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

There isn't at the moment, though if someone were to get the data put together for Thaumcraft, I'd be highly motivated to add that feature.

whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

If, then, as an example, I were to write a dataset for the altar which went something like this: Ingredient 1, Ingredient 2, Ingredient 3, Centre, 5 Instability 012012 3 4 Would you be able to work with that? Especially to allow for an indefinite amount of components in the circle?

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

That looks reasonable. I've considered adding "custom crafting grids" for a while now, but I just haven't come across a place where the 3x3 couldn't be used yet. My plan, though, would be do simply list all the ingredients in no particular order, then to give the pattern where the position of each letter is significant. In order to support more than 9 inputs, I was thinking of allowing the input parameter to be a list of "letter:ingredient" pairs instead of just a list of ingredients. So, for example:

input: i=Iron Ingot, s=Stick
pattern: .i. .i. .s.
whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

Should I write in this format? I don't see how this would change anything, unless your code currently only allows for nine ingredients in input. Would this be right?

input: o=Ingredient 1, t=Ingredient 2, h=Ingredient 3, c=Centre, i=5 Instability pattern: othoth c i

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

The current parser uses the (zero-based) position of each item in the input array to know which number it should match in the pattern. So, in order for the new format to work properly, the parser would have to be updated to accept the new format. If you wanted to get the data together in that format, I would definitely prioritize getting the rest of the site to accept it.

whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

How about, for the sake of (relative) speed in getting the Thaumcraft data out, I put the data together in both formats? That way people wouldn't have to wait for everybody else to update their files before getting the new recipes.

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

If you get most of it done with the current format and make a note of the things you weren't able to represent, that would be fine. I can easily write some code which converts from the old format to the new one, and I'll need it to convert everything else anyway.

whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

Sure. Although, I notice that you're using only one-letter variables--what happens when you start adding in extensions for packs like Infinity Evolved: Expert Mode, where some Altar recipes have more than 26 ingredients?

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

Seriously? I think I'm happy enough to kick that can down the road a ways.

whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

Haha, fair enough. I'll start as soon as I can.

whizzball1 commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure where to put this, but I got all the way to "grunt clean build" in your instructions to add a new mod before I couldn't go anywhere else, because I'm not sure where (or how, since I may have done it wrong) to install rsync.