andrewminer / crafting-guide

The ultimate step-by-step guide to make anything in Minecraft
66 stars 192 forks source link

GregTech +17 #191

Open andrewminer opened 8 years ago

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

andrewminer commented 8 years ago

This is currently blocked until several things happen:

  1. Some automated way of extracting recipes is developed
  2. Performance of the various parts of the site (esp. the SAYT features) is fast enough to handle that many items
  3. I understand the mod well enough to ensure all the nonobvious recipes are represented accurately.
RedNicStone commented 5 years ago


I spend the last couple weeks on getting a little Python programm made to extract GT recipes.

Since a have a semiautomatic way of extracting the recipes from the GregAPI now, the only problem is the performance.

I could increase that by grouping items / ingots / blocks together. Something like anyIngotMetal, wich I hope pepole will get the point of not trying to craft anyIngotMetal and anyHammer.

A other, more complicated way is to greatly reprogramm parts of crafting guide to allow OreDicts and item durbility in crafting to work. This will take longer of course.

I would appriciate any help to both solutions.
