andrewminer / crafting-guide

The ultimate step-by-step guide to make anything in Minecraft
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Test website hangs on loading #323

Open Mixu78 opened 5 years ago

Mixu78 commented 5 years ago

So I tried running ./scripts/start in Git Bash, it works fine, but the website at localhost:8000 just hangs at the animation and the console says

internal.js:18997 2018-12-22T15:51:02.623Z | INFO | Suppressing GA page view: / internal.js:18997 2018-12-22T15:51:02.639Z | INFO | Sending HTTP request: GET http://localhost:4347/ping?message=2GDKCLIKMFF~JHJNIIHEFCFEWKGD with headers: {} internal.js:8564 Uncaught Error: baseUrl must be a string at ModPackStore.set (internal.js:8564) at new ModPackStore (internal.js:8553) at Object. (internal.js:20416) at Object.113.../common/constants (internal.js:20439) at o (internal.js:1) at r (internal.js:1) at internal.js:1 set @ internal.js:8564 ModPackStore @ internal.js:8553 (anonymous) @ internal.js:20416 113.../common/constants @ internal.js:20439 o @ internal.js:1 r @ internal.js:1 (anonymous) @ internal.js:1 internal.js:6712 GET http://localhost:4347/ping?message=2GDKCLIKMFF~JHJNIIHEFCFEWKGD net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ClientRequest._onFinish @ internal.js:6712 (anonymous) @ internal.js:6624 emitNone @ internal.js:2208 emit @ internal.js:2293 finishMaybe @ internal.js:5809 endWritable @ internal.js:5817 Writable.end @ internal.js:5773 ClientRequest.end @ internal.js:6859 (anonymous) @ internal.js:8531 init @ external.js:2720 Promise @ external.js:2708 promise @ external.js:19488 sendRequest @ internal.js:8475 module.exports.get @ internal.js:8397 module.exports.CraftingGuideClient._sendRequest @ internal.js:8357 @ internal.js:8189 module.exports.CraftingGuideClient.checkStatus @ internal.js:8132 module.exports.CraftingGuideClient.startMonitoringStatus @ internal.js:8162 (anonymous) @ internal.js:20406 113.../common/constants @ internal.js:20439 o @ internal.js:1 r @ internal.js:1 (anonymous) @ internal.js:1 internal.js:18997 2018-12-22T15:51:04.662Z | ERROR | connection failed: TypeError: Failed to fetch module.exports.Logger.log @ internal.js:18997 module.exports.Logger.error @ internal.js:19042 (anonymous) @ internal.js:8524 emitOne @ internal.js:2218 emit @ internal.js:2296 (anonymous) @ internal.js:6725 Promise.then (async) ClientRequest._onFinish @ internal.js:6719 (anonymous) @ internal.js:6624 emitNone @ internal.js:2208 emit @ internal.js:2293 finishMaybe @ internal.js:5809 endWritable @ internal.js:5817 Writable.end @ internal.js:5773 ClientRequest.end @ internal.js:6859 (anonymous) @ internal.js:8531 init @ external.js:2720 Promise @ external.js:2708 promise @ external.js:19488 sendRequest @ internal.js:8475 module.exports.get @ internal.js:8397 module.exports.CraftingGuideClient._sendRequest @ internal.js:8357 @ internal.js:8189 module.exports.CraftingGuideClient.checkStatus @ internal.js:8132 module.exports.CraftingGuideClient.startMonitoringStatus @ internal.js:8162 (anonymous) @ internal.js:20406 113.../common/constants @ internal.js:20439 o @ internal.js:1 r @ internal.js:1 (anonymous) @ internal.js:1 internal.js:18997 2018-12-22T15:51:04.664Z | INFO | Crafting Guide server status changed from stale to down

What can I do to fix this?

andrewminer commented 5 years ago

I think you're problem is related to this line of code. My guess is that the code immediately above which is trying to figure out what environment you're running in can't recognize the URL you're using to connect to your server.

Mixu78 commented 5 years ago

In that case, what should I do to fix it?

andrewminer commented 5 years ago

Use one of the patterns the code is looking for.

Mixu78 commented 5 years ago

I'm not the best at figuring stuff out, how should I use the pattern it is looking for, and where is it located at? Or do I have to write one myself?

andrewminer commented 5 years ago

Check out this line to see what URL patterns it's looking for. Based upon the URL, it tries to figure out whether it's in a development or production environment.