andrewmm / ncwunderground

iPhone Notification Center Widget for Weather Underground
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Display hourly forecast #25

Open dborca opened 11 years ago

dborca commented 11 years ago

... for today (at least). Or for the next 6 hours. The temp SparkLine is okay, however, one may want to see pop and/or whether it will be sunny/cloudy when going to the beach.

pop can be expressed as a SparkLine graph but squeezing weather icons somehow makes for a greater impact.

andrewmm commented 11 years ago

I considered this, but I think it would just be too crowded for the limited space in the notification center. The sparkline for temp and feels like provides, I believe, the right balance of information about hourly forecast. (As evidenced by the daily forecast, I don't think we can reasonably fit more than four high/low/pop/icon sets on the screen).

More detailed hourly information is better displayed in a full screen standalone app (which Weather Underground does have available for free).

If someone wants to fork the project and implement this I'll look at the result and consider merging it back in, but I just don't see a design that will make it work.

dborca commented 11 years ago

Full screen standalone app is bloated, and most of all, it fails me consistently on 3G in this area. I have used Solar for some time, but I (and perhaps other people, too) rely mostly on visual memory and -- modern as it may be -- I find Solar interface disturbing.

Is it possible to place a ScrollView in (let's say) the rightmost "pane" which scrolls when you keep swiping left? Just an idea.

I considered forking the project, however, my tools are kinda obsolete and do not support ARC (older gcc here). Upgrading them is a hassle ATM, so, it might take a while.

andrewmm commented 11 years ago

Ah - I didn't realize there were so many issues with the standalone app.

I don't think nesting Scroll Views works like that (the panes are already in a scroll view), but I'll look into it.

dborca commented 11 years ago


I'm pretty sure ScrollViews can be nested. MiniKeePass springs to mind (see 3rd screenshot from the app: the Comments area is scrollable as it is the main page).

In a possibly related note, NCSettings (by JamieD360) seems to have achieved horizontal scroll -- although it's not clear from the video and I don't have that tweak installed.