andrewschultz / very-vile-fairy-file

My IFComp 2019 entry. Release 3 is finished. Release 4 will be a maintenance release adding to the scoring-based storyline. Parent of Quite Queer Night Near.
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good guesses that didn't make it in #40

Closed andrewschultz closed 4 years ago

andrewschultz commented 5 years ago
andrewschultz commented 4 years ago

I forgot variations on the stair to put in the guesses branch:

And another technically, if not morally, good rhyme.

APER ISLE for vapor vial

WAKE WHAP "but you already woke Jake nicely." SLAKE SLAP RAKE WRAP FLAKE FLAP CRAKE CRAP = no bird droppings provide a trail. SAKE SAP = No! That's just what the Crimes Crew Times Two wants.

Puck Pair "It's not cold enough for hockey." BUCK BARE/BAIR Reference CARE only in the source comments, because MAGA stuff is ugly. CHUCK CHAIR CLUCK CLARE PLUCK PLAYER STRUCK STRAYER TRUCK TRAYER SHUCK SHARE DUCK DARE (redacted) MUCK MARE TUCK TEAR/TARE

Mild Mead/Wild weed: dialed deed, filed feed, styled steed, riled read/reed, tiled teed(?), briled breed

andrewschultz commented 4 years ago

From a transcript:

stuff stole (no tough toll) / tough toll increment good-guesses-total

NOTES: flu/flew floats grew/grue groats glue gloats blue bloats: binge eating stew stoats shoo/shoe shoats mo/mow mitt: You recap the 2012 US Presidential election. Please proceed, adventurer.


jive jeep: Fourth wall time: one of my testers thought of this, and I didn't have a response nearly as funny as their try. ball brie wall whee hark hoar/whore / Why would you want to summon cold? (STARK STORE)

co cappin = well, you might need to do something with someone, but not SHOOTING anyone. Besides, [Toe] is thankfully without references to guns and money. Let's keep it that way! sistery sol

nots name sots same cots came clots claim blots blame shots shame buy bawl/ball tie tall / you acquire no stupid-looking 'Presidential' apparel. lard lat You don't need to worry about your abs. pard pat The scenery remains un-Western. bought/bot beer # Hey now! People under 21 might be playing this game! blot blear sigh sol/saul war wander = poor ponder bore/boar bonder Y'old(e) yard(e)? mold marred/gold guard = give tip if ahead lives lich / wives witch / hives hitch

if SO SAPPIN already in the verbs -- say, no, you need to be around something worth sapping. What about the Beer Bull? (Already with NEAR NULL)

choral cage = homonym oops wit/whit wound

clit clowned = um no crit crowned

muck mare tuck tear duck dare shuck share know kneeled / foe field (you don't need to bring anyone down)` leer/lear lull / lul goo goats rue rotes blue bloats cue/coo coats do dotes shoo/shoe shoats glue gloats flue/flew floats bake bee make me flake flee shake shee

procedural actions: chase-mulligan for running into a dead end thinking

YOLD YARD BEFORE GOT GOLD GUARD: old ard / hold hard


tee tine key kine she shine fee fine lee line knee nine brie brine flee flyin'

GASSED GAP: chaste chap classed clap

GOOD GUN: should shun -> clue wood one food fun stood stun If only he were good gunNED, that might be more effective. Wait, he'd probably be dead and not need to be stunned. hood hun would/wood won/one bud bun spud spun stud stun caught cord

HOMONYMS(?): whet wood bought board <- perhaps their soulless technocratic masters could be bought. But not them.

Gary Guile