andrewshilliday / garage-door-controller

Software to monitor and control garage doors via a raspberry pi
MIT License
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Not seeing web view #63

Closed mrendon9008 closed 6 years ago

mrendon9008 commented 6 years ago

Hello. I am not sure what is wrong, but I am unable to see the UI when I go to "raspberrypiip:8080" (note I also have tried port 8081.

I have tried running the file in my python IDE on the pi and I get the following error "Traceback (most recent call last) File "/home/pi/garage-door-controller/", line 7, in import httplib ImportError: No module named 'httplib'

I have also run the following command in the terminal, and get the following error, please see below: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo python /home/pi/garage-door-controller/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/garage-door-controller/", line 385, in config_file = open('config.json') IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'config.json'

Any ideas what the problem may be? Thank you