Hello, I am a graduate student from China.
There are some problems in your repository "lrslibrary". First, the library "vlfeat" is empty. Second, the file "lrs_gui.m" is also empty. Can you fix these problem soon?
Hi @moorejee ,
You need to do:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/andrewssobral/lrslibrary.git
the parameter --recursive get the submodules required for lrslibrary setup.
The lrs_gui.m is not critical, it just call the main.m function stored in the gui folder.
Hello, I am a graduate student from China. There are some problems in your repository "lrslibrary". First, the library "vlfeat" is empty. Second, the file "lrs_gui.m" is also empty. Can you fix these problem soon?