andrewvy / chrome-remote-interface

Elixir Client for the Chrome Debugger Protocol
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Page.lifecycleEvent #36

Open nathanjohnson320 opened 4 years ago

nathanjohnson320 commented 4 years ago

Hi all, great library. I'm trying to subscribe to the Page.lifecycleEvent in the below snippet:

with {:ok, _data} <- RPC.Page.enable(pid),
     #  :ok <- PageSession.subscribe(pid, "Page.loadEventFired", self()),
     :ok <- PageSession.subscribe(pid, "Page.lifecycleEvent", self()),
     {:ok, data} <- RPC.Page.navigate(pid, %{url: url}) do

From my understanding on navigation the lifecycle event should fire, I'm also trying to listen for network idle events which the lifecycleEvent covers. But in both cases it never does anything. The Page.loadEventFired works properly but that doesn't wait for network idle.